One of the most absolutely fascinating and amazing aspects of Chanukah that I ever came across is something that was revealed by the illustrious “Alshich” z”l. The light of our modest Chanukah candles is from none other than the “Or HaGanuz” of “Maasei Breishis”. Just to freshen our Memories–on Pasuk 4 at the beginning of Parshas Breishis Rashi brings that the light of the ‘Maasei Breishis’ was put away for the Tzaddikim in the next world; this is the ‘Or HaGanuz’. I am perpetually shocked and mystified by this insight of the Chanukah light. Without exaggeration it would be apropos to say that the ‘Avos HaKdoshim’ could to do something to bring the light of the ‘Or HaGanuz’. Here we have some ignoramus lighting his little colored Chanukah candles, the music box on the Menorah playing the “I Have A Little Dreidel” song, and the remains of a latke still lingering in his mouth, and the light of the “Or HaGanuz’ shining from his Menorah.
I would like to share a possible thought and message about this profound phenomenon. The who le miracle that Klal Yisroel experienced, the military victory over the Greeks and the miracle of the oil, all came about as a result of nothing but and only because of a tremendous gift from Above. This is to exclude other instances where the “nuclear core” of the miracle stems from the
inspiration and workings of Klal Yisroel. This characteristic and concept was carried over to the Mitzva commemorating the miracle. In consistency with the actual miracle which in essence was a gift from Above, likewise the special Mitzvah of Chanukah brings an awesome gift from Above, the ‘Or HaGanuz ‘.
This thought is echoed in a seemingly humorous question that serious sources have brought up.
Why on Purim do we ‘spin the Groger’, the noisemaker, in a movement facing upwards, while on Chanukah we ‘spin the Dreidel’ in a downward movement? The answer given is that on Purim the miracle came as a result of Klal Yisroel’s inspiration from ‘below’ contrary to Chanukah where the main source of the miracle was from Divine inspiration Above coming down.
This insight may shed light on a mystical aspect of the sprinkling of the blood of Yom Kippur
The Kohen Gadol sprinkled the blood of the sacrifices of the “Par” and the “Seir”, one sprinkle upward and seven sprinkles downward. This service is possibly the most significant and important for the existence of Klal Yisroel and the act of the Kohen Gadol pointing his finger upward and downward is certainly very puzzling. Amazingly, our “dreidel–groger” insight might be a possible direction to understanding it. The sprinkle upward representing the aspect of accomplishment from Klal Yisroel, and the sprinkle downward representing the things that are accomplished mainly through the gifts from Above.
The opinion of Bais Shammai is well known–that we start the first night of Chanukah with the lighting of eight candles and as the days progress the number of candles lit decreases. The concept of going down might be a reflection of this Divine gift of the pouring down from Above the tremendous blessings that brought about the miracles. Listen to this ‘remez’ from the ‘Baal HaTurim’ concerning Bais Shammai. One Pasuk (Vayikra 8:2) says “BeHaaloscha Es HaNairos” in contrast to the Pasuk (Shmos 27:20) ” LeHaalos Ner Tomid”. According to Bais Shammai the change is from “Nairos” (plural) to “Ner” (singular). The last letters of the three words “LeHaalos Ner Tomid” is “Tof”–“Reish”–“Daled” spells the Hebrew word “Tayraid”– to go down. This might be a beautiful ‘remez’ of the Heavenly gifts coming down.
What does all this mean? If a person prepares himself and properly connects himself to the Mitzvah of the lighting and in general makes an effort to lift himself and upgrade his spiritual status on Chanukah he will make himself eligible to be a recipient of marvelous spiritual gifts from Above
He might thereby gain some concrete inspiration from Chanukah along with the extra weight gained from those delicious latkes and jelly donuts. Happy Chanukah!