Parshas Acharei – Kedoshim (5761)
By Mordechai Dolinsky
In our sedra we have the avoda of Yom Kippur and the parsha of ‘arayos’ which seemingly aren’t really related. As it turns out this is the portion read on the holiest of days. On this day that is most dedicated and devoted to teshuva it is surely understandable that we read from the Torah an area that poses such a prominent and difficult test to Klal Yisroel and the world at large.
This week we also read parshas Kedoshim Tihiyu—as it is a double sedra. It is puzzling that the break between aliyos is not between the two parshios. There is a message here—that there is a strong connection in the subject matter between the two.
Rashi explains that Kedoshim pertains specificially to matters of arayos. By exercising care not to transgress this area of sin, we are creating a kedusha within ourselves. This is a tremendous new insight and perspective. Keeping away from sin we would say should leave us at the most at “square one”, nothing accomplished, nothing achieved, just saved from a blemish.
This is truly a secret of the universe, success in overcoming temptation in this area is creating, building and accomplishing. The Medrash Rabba in our sedra (23:9) explains that all the awesome miracles that transpired to Yosef HaTzaddik, putting him in the royal position he was in, all came about from his abstaining from sinning with the wife of Potifar. The Medrash shows in detail how each organ and part of his body was blessed from its specific test.
This lesson has specific significance to us in this generation that we have been exposed to difficult tests in this area. HaShem has presented us with a tremendous opportunity for accomplishment. It is inspiring to know that every attempt to exercise self-control brings concrete growth and unlimited blessings.