Parshas Bamidbar (5760)


Parshas Bamidbar (5760)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The Medrash in this week’s parsha quotes the Chazal that the Torah was given in fire, in water, and in the desert to teach us that as these three are free for the taking, likewise Torah is free for the taking. This doesn’t imply that the Torah comes to us just by sitting back and relaxing. The principle is that Hashem has made it available to whomever really wants it. The analogy of the Chazal is very rich and enlightening, more than just “hits the eye”. There is an extremely important issue that comes to light. It is the formula of true values, intrinsic importance and economic financial worth. The major correlation is that there is no correlation whatsoever. What a formula! In this world we find an abundance of essential, crucial, life supporting elements yet they are very low on the economic totem pole. A most classical, critical item is air. I am referring to what we breathe, not to the protrusions on the sides of our heads that support our spectacles. I believe that it is unanimously agreed upon that it is essential yet it doesn’t have any marketing value. We can find again and again things that are essential yet without market value.

How awesome!!! Objects that are vital and crucial do not necessarily equal financial value. We must exert special effort to really evaluate and appreciate air because it is free.

Torah is free like water, available and accessible but lacking in the true perspective of the awesome value. This is very appropriate for Sefira and preparations for Shavuos to appreciate and understand the importance of Torah.

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