Parshas Beshalach (5762)


Parshas Beshalach (5762)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

In our sedra we have the actual yetzias mitzrayim, the miraculous departure and greatly yearned for expulsion of Clal Yisrael from Egypt.  This was the climax and the ultimate of the ten plagues.  There is a twofold awesome benefit we are to derive and gain from this  Firstly, this was the greatest and most open demonstration of the kingdom, supremacy and dominion that Hashem extends over the universe.

Secondly, the strongest motivation for serving Hashem is the gratitude we have for this salvation.

If we are being treated with CPR we cannot speak words that aren’t appropo with the very breath of our savior to him.. How do we find ourselves going against Hashem, our savior?

I have never been able to uncover this secret.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

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