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Parshas Aikev (5765)


Parshas Aikev (5765)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

Why all the special brachos in our parsha (7:12) for the “not so serious or important mitzvos”. “Hashem will adore you and love you and bless you”.

Anything that Hashem commands is not and cannot be unimportant. How can there be any Will of Hashem that is less significant? Hashem, the Creator of the Universe, our bodies, the very essence of our momentary breath of life. The great reward is for the focus and realization that no Will of Hashem is insignificant. For the focus and realization of Hashem’s constant showering us with life, sustenance and the beautiful exotic extras. “Hashem will cause you to expand, bless your reproductive capacities………”.

The present period after Tisha B’Av is a time of special Divine assistance and blessing in all our endeavors; “grab, take, invest in learning, davening and midos tovos and…Have a wonderful Shabbos.

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