Parshas Bamidbar (5765)
by Mordechai Dolinsky
The exact placement of the encampment of Clal Yisrael was from Hashem. Each shevet was positioned according to Divine plan yet we find regarding the Korach incident the rule of “oi l’rasha oi lishchenu”—woe to the wicked and his neighbor applies to him and his followers. This, despite the fact that the close proximity was Divinely inspired and planned. The test was to overcome the negative influence and they were placed there precisely to stand up to this. We see the rule of “oi l’rasha oi lishchenu” doesn’t necessary call for evacuation as it was obviously impossible here.
We are often placed in situations and locations that are potentially spiritually not beneficial and our test is to be educated to the best of our ability to the essence of the wrongs, fallacies, depravities and idiosyncrasies in order to inoculate ourselves, our offspring, and all under our influence to be elevated and withstand the foul winds.
In the previous generation many fell and many succeeded. Let’s work and pray that we succeed in our generation.
Have a wonderful Shabbos and a good Chodesh.