Parshas Acharei – Kedoshim (5766)
by Mordechai Dolinsky
The Medrash in our parsha (20:2) enlightens us to the fact that when Avraham Avinu went to the akeida he questioned Yishmael and Eliezer if they observed a cloud over the designated mountain, which was actually a manifestation of the Shechina. When they answered in the negative, contrary to Yitzchok’s positive reply, he ordered them to remain behind.
When one elevate’s himself spiritually he is able to see an actual vision of the ruchnias. This in turn equips and enables him to grow even more.
“Kedoshim Tihiyu”–how can we relate to and fulfill the commandment in our parsha, which is meant for all of us, to be saintly and elevate ourselves to holiness? The making of small, simple moves in this direction gives us the stepping stones to go further.
Have a wonderful week.