Parshas Balak (5766)
By Mordechai Dolinsky
Bilaam, through the auspices of his Divine inspiration, praised Klal Yisroel specifically for their modesty. “Mah Tovu Oholecha Yaakov”. Likewise, the Medrash in our parsha (20:22) reflects the idea that one of the four attributes of Klal Yisroel responsible for their redemption from Mitzrayim was the modesty on the part of the women.
What a meaningful, significant message for us today, steeped in a society callous to even the most basic values of feminine modesty. This is not the framework for elaboration on this vital issue but it is so imperative for us idealists representing the Will and Glory of Hashem in this generation, to comprehend and fulfill.
Have a wonderful Shabbos.