Parshas Ki Sisa (5766)


Parshas Ki Sisa (5766)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

In our parsha we have one of the most striking events in the history of Klal Yisroel, the episode of eigel hazahav.  The positive side of this awesome tragic incident is that it was a reflection of the conviction and commitment to the absolute necessity to be constantly connected to a manhig yisroel.  It was a reflection of the burning desire and understanding of the impossibility of Klal Yisroel to exist for even a short time without Torah leadership.

When Aharon threw the collected gold into the flame and the form emerged spontaneously it was a result of the thoughts of Klal Yisroel corresponding to their yearning for a leader.  Accordingly, the figure of a cow, symbolic of the nurser, the giver, the influencer should have emerged—why the calf, the receiver?  Even amongst those who appreciate and long for leadership there is a dangerous pitfall of making an overemphasis and glorification of the receiver (the mushpah), instead of appreciating and submitting our own will and desires to the direction of the gadol.

May we long to have the proper leadership.  Have a wonderful Shabbos.

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