Parshas Tazria – Metzora (5766)
by Mordechai Dolinsky
Rosh Chodesh is a mini Rosh Hashana and the source of blessings for the whole month are open before us. This is the meaing, significance and reason for reciting the ‘yaaleh v’yavoh’ addition. Rosh Chodesh deserves our special attention and let us all “bring down” blessings of success in every way for all our endeavors for ourselves and all Klal Yisroel.
The following is the parsha thought from 5762 which I wish to share with you.
In our sedra we have the signs for a “metzora”, a white discoloration appears on the skin. The order being snow, the brightest, followed by sheep’s wool, plaster and the inner membrane of an egg. A thought of the significance might be as follows. White obviously signifies pure of sin. The ‘metzorah’ is a Divine message that the individual has digressed. Whiteness is observed on his body and calls out: “Why aren’t you white, pure of sin?”
The four shades represent four major areas of tests. Snow, our contact with outside environment. The phenomenon of beautiful white snow is a purity in the outside. Plaster, the tests we have in the confines of privacy. The white plaster calling for purity in privacy. The sheep represents our outwards animalistic tendencies, the natural instincts we have to control. Look, the sheep is an animal, yet white and pure. The egg membrane, the internal pure white. This is the internal tests of our mind and heart.
Hashem should have ‘rachmanus’ on Clal Yisroel.
Have a wonderful Shabbos and a wonderful Chodesh.