Parshas Vayigash (5766)
by Mordechai Dolinsky
Regarding Yehuda’s “break-through” speech the Medrash presents an analogy of a deep well of sweet, cool water, inaccessible because of its extreme depth. Nothing available or imaginable can make the water available in a practical way. A wise individual takes the initiative and attaches a piece of short rope, then another; he then finds a short string and then another and eventually locates a few narrow shoestrings and reaches the refreshing sweet waters. He indulges and shares with all.
You have a plan; an inspiration. It is not crucial to have the availability to see it through to the end. So many potentially great ideas and accomplishments are lost to this wrong mentality. Start with what is available at hand, preserve your inspiration and enthusiasm and as you proceed hang on to and grasp all that makes itself available. You will eventually dance in joy at your success.
Have a wonderful week!