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Parshas Acharei-Kedoshim (5767)


Parshas Acharei-Kedoshim (5767)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Upon simple observation of Rashi’s explanation of “Kedoshim Tihiyu”—’hevei prushim min hoarayos’, to would seem as Rashi’s explanation of the word Kedoshim is prushim—to inhibit one’s desires and urges and abstain from overindulgence.  However, a more exact consideration of his words might lead to the following explanation.  Rashi is pointing out that by practicing ‘prishus’, self-control, one brings the kedusha upon himself.  How can we fulfill the command of the Torah—Kedoshim Tihiyu—holiness; the Shechinah, is not something that is in our hands, that we have control over.  To this Rashi enlightens us that by the practice of prishus the state of kedusha descends upon us as a Heavenly gift, thus enabling us to fulfill the Torah’s command.

We are surrounded in our generation by many difficult trials and tribulations and tests in the area of self-control over lusts.  However the bright side of the coin is that we are being given a great opportunity for high degrees of kedusha by successful self-control.

Have a wonderful Shabbos Kodesh.

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