Parshas Balak (5767)
by Mordechai Dolinsky
Bilaam was seemingly given the green light and Divine approval to carry out his goal to embark on a course to harm Klal Yisroel. It is therefore difficult to understand why he was so severely criticized for his wicked agenda. The explanation is that the obstacles that presented themselves by repeatedly meeting resistance was a Divine message for him to back down and reverse his program. This is very consistent with something often quoted in the name of the Chazon Ish that after several unsuccessful attempts to dial a telephone number one should take this as a Divine sign to desist.
This brings to the surface one of the most critical and crucial issues of our trials and tribulations in fulfilling the Torah. We are intensively engrossed in a vital dvar mitzvah that has far-reaching consequences and find ourselves up against obstacles; we hear the idealist voice calling out that because of the importance of the mitzvah the satan is presenting difficulties for us to overcome. This is our test to stand up to. On the other hand, are these Divine signs for us to back down and desist??….
It is of utmost importance that we recognize the urgency and difficulty of this issue and to cry out to Hashem for His Divine assistance. We should be zocheh to have the insight to fulfill the true will of Hashem.
Have a wonderful Shabbos.