Parshas Korach (5767)
by Mordechai Dolinsky
Rashi quotes (16:1) the Chazal that the members of shevet Reuven were influenced by Korach because of the close proximity of their geographical location and this was responsible for their downfall. Rashi quotes the Chazal “oi l’rasha v’oi lishchayno”—woe is to one who dwells near the wicked—and applies it to shevet Reuven.
What is extremely difficult to comprehend is that this Chazal is taken to mean a criticism for choosing a dwelling place near the wicked. In the case of shevet Reuven, however, their geographical location was designated by Divine instruction and Chazal’s advice should have no application here.
This reveals to us that the meaning and lesson of Chazal also includes a person finding himself, due to circumstances beyond his control, in the proximity of the wicked and undesirable. The directives of the Chazal still apply in the form of positive action to protect oneself, one’s family, and everyone under his sphere of influence from the negative input. “Bitachbulos taaseh milchama”—with wise planning and precaution make great effort to overcome negative influence and Hashem will surely give special Divine assistance for success.
Have a wonderful Shabbos.