Parshas Tzav (5767)
By Mordechai Dolinsky
On Shabbos our Sages inform us that we receive the inner strength for all that follows in the coming week. This is the week of the celebration of Pesach, the great foundation of our serving Hashem, the renewal of the miracles of yetzias mitzrayim. This makes it very appropo to call it Shabbos Hagadol.
The Medrash in our sedra (9:7) that in the future all the sacrifices will be batel except for the korban todah, the sacrifice for gratitude; this is the foundation of all our service of Hashem, the basis of all our successful human relationships. This ties everything together—Shabbos Hagadol and the parsha.
Have a wonderful Shabbos and a chag kasher v’sameach.