Parshas Voaira (5767)
Parshas Voaira (5767)
by Mordechai Dolinsky
The main connection with Hashem and motivation for obeying the Torah and mitzvos and fulfilling His will are the miracles of yetzias Mitzrayim; the 10 plagues and the krias Yam Suf. These can have the dynamic effect that they are supposed to by creating a realistic image of them in our minds. This image creating is of the most outstanding necessity for the 10 makos and all the events of Tanach and Chazal to have a true impact and influence on our values, behavior and standing up to our tests.
All Klal Yisroel throughout the generations were motivated by images of our giants and miracles which had its influence and impact by individuals creating a realistic perception of these in their minds.
It is imperative for all of us to set aside time daily for this most crucial activity, on which the total success of our being is dependent on.
“Voaira”—you should see.
Have a wonderful Shabbos and an inspiring, fulfilling chodesh.
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