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Parshas Balak (5768)


Parshas Balak (5768)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Upon contemplating the epidsode of Bilaam and Balak the degree of their general mentality of spiritual consciousness is amazing. They relate to it as a true reality. This can be said for all who lived in that generation and many generations to follow, Bnei Yisroel and gentiles alike. This is indeed a tool and stepping stone to enable one to understand and achieve a closeness to Hashem.

Contemporarily, and likewise in the recent past generations the sensitivity of recognition of the world of ‘ruchnius’, including the appreciation and significance of giving and receiving brachos has greatly diminished and is almost non-existent. This was probably caused by the great industrial revolution and advancement in research and science, the invention of the microscope, and secrets discovered by x-rays. Everything has to be ‘real’ and to be able to be measured, seen and felt. We have been raised in a generation that many of the true spiritual concepts were uprooted and were labeled superstitious and the blindness of the dark and middle ages; it is the “seeing is believing” age.

Bilaam and company definitely fell into the depths of wickedness but his generation had so much going for them for great spiritual capacities. They had their test and failed. The test of our generation is reinstating the sensory perception of true spiritual values and feelings. This is imperative to truly serving Hashem and keeping His Torah. The key to this is learning certain sifrei mussar and chasidus.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and a true kirvas Hashem.

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