Parshas Toldos (5772)
by Mordechai Dolinsky
A very deep thought…Yado ochezes b’aikev Eisav. Yaakov was named because he was grasping the heel of Eisav. Yaakov’s name is his essence, named after Eisav’s body and the lower most part of his body; a dependency on Eisav.
Yaakov successfully got the brachos from Yitzchok. V’yiten l’cha….and on it we life and exist. These brachos was in essence the brachos that were really meant for Eisav. We are living on the brachos of Eisav.
The significance of all this is very deep.
Have a wonderful Shabbos and a wonderful Chodesh and we should be zocheh to receive the birchas Hashem and see Moshiach tzidkeinu.