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Rosh HaShanah


Rosh Hashanah (5773)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The avoda of Rosh HaShanah is the awesome responsibility that the Ribbono Shel Olam gave us; the input to change the din to rachamim. By the essence of the recognition that HaShem being the Melech has the effect of bringing bracha for ourselves and for Klal Yisroel. During the blowing of the shofar the sound of the first tekiah is the proclamation in the belief that HaShem is the Melech. The teruah is the reflection of our grief over the problems of our times; the massive forsaking of the Torah and HaShem, marriage problems including singles not finding mates and the shocking numbers of those stricken with illness and other tragedies. The second tekiah is again the sound of Malchus HaShem, this time with the optimism that Hashem will bring an end to the midas hadin and yeshuos to all.

Blessing to you all for a year of health, parnassa, nachas, sholom bayis, Torah and spiritual growth and simchas hachayim. We should all be mekabel pnei Masiach Tzidkeinu and see the kavod Shomayim restored.

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