Parsha Terumah


Parshas Termuah (5774)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

There is an aspect of the binyan haMishkan in our sedra of tremendous importance that is greatly overlooked. The idea and concept of a Mishkan or Bais HaMikdash is that it sits on the top of the Shaar HaShomayim, on Har HaBayis, that demands the various places and boundaries; the Azara, the Kodesh HaKodshim, the place of the aron. The kedusha stems from the place and accordingly we build and place the Mishkan or Bais Hamikdash. Considering this there should be no concept of a Mishkan that could be built in the Midbar. The greatness of the Mishkan is that through the building with the exact qualifications and specifications the Shchinah comes down and creates a real Ohel Moed, and Kodshai Kodshim. The kedusha that we have today in the Bais Knesses or Bais Medrash is a reflection of this chidush, that the Shchinah comes down and it is imperative that we relate to this in entering these places. It is not just a room that is designated for the use of davening, rather a place that is on a completely different plane of existance, filled with the kedusha of Shchinah and to connect with Hashem there.

We should be zocheh to see the binyan Bais HaMikdash b’karov. Have a wonderful Shabbos and a month of yeshuos and simcha for ourselves and all Klal Yisroel.

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