Parshas Toldos (5775)
by Mordechai Dolinsky
27:1 Rashi brings a puzzling Chazal that Yitzchok’s lost sensitivity of his eyesight was caused by the tears of the Malachim crying at the thought of Yitzchok about to be shechted. Perhaps we can explain – Yitzchok was the future of Klal Yisroel and the akaida was about to sacrifice this. Yitzchok had a supreme clarity of emes. Nothing stands in the way of the Ratzon Hashem. The Malachim were weeping for Klal Yisroel—the metzius of Klal Yisroel. Yitzcho had a clarity and insight in the Ratzon Hashem. No questions. Not the slightest doubt. The Malachim had the question—those were the tears of the greatest Malachim—the Malachai Hashoress. And they had such anguish. This dulled his eyesight, the weakened the greatest clarity of the sharpness of the Ratzon Hashem, the emes of the emes. I f the Malachai Hashoress are having it hard to accept this weakened his perspective of emes and he lost his sensitivity to feel the negativity of Esav.
Have a wonderful Shabbos and Chodesh.