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Pesach 5774
by Mordechai Dolinsky

We are ushering in the Pesach; starting from sunset until the last moment of tzais hakochavim, every day, every hour, moment and second is filled with Divine hashpaa of chizuk in emuna. The first night, leil haseder, the night of great revelation in Mitzrayim repeats itself again and the revelation of the malchus Hashem inspires our hearts. We must open our hearts to receive it. The rest of Pesach the avoda is to relate to the awesome, open demonstration. We do this by relating the events of of Hashem being megaleh the malchus Shomayim, His supremity over the universe. This is the mitzvah of sipur yetzias Mitzrayim and this is the avoda of the whole Pesach. The seder night is a lesson of how we should spend the rest of the nights of Pesach, by inspiring ourselves with the hundreds of nissim revealed in the Chumash and in Chazal.

Cling to every second—this is the source of our emuna nourishment for the year presented by Hashem with the glorious simchas hachag.

Have a wonderful, meaningful Yom Tov. Chag Kasher V’Sameach.

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