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Parshas Naso


Parshas Naso (5775)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

6:25—The usual hashgacha experience is some ישועה that comes about; an apartment, a shidduch, a refuah, a child. However, for some time now I have observed an amazing, fascinating experience of hashgacha pratis, a happening which is clearly ourstanding hashgacha without any obvious yeshua. You are humming a song to yourself and a car rides by playing it on a CD; when davening you say a word and simultaneously someone says the same word froma different place in davening; you learn a Chazal and right afterwards someone tells you a vort about it. What can all this mean, the complexity of the hashgacha is so clear but for no obvious purpose.

Hashem is showing His Presence, there is nothing more important. I coined a new phrase for this, Hashem is smiling. I thought I did but Rashi on the Bircas Kohanim in our parsha says: יאר השם פניו אליך—and HE SHALL SHOW YOU A SMILING FACE. This is a message from REchov Panim Meirot.

Have a wonderful, meaningful Shabbos.

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