Parshas Metzora
by Mordechai Dolinsky
12:34 Rashi brings that the news of the tzoraas habyis they not realizing was really good tididngs. The invasion of the house walls revealed gold treasures that were hidden there which Rashi explains that a ermoriim hid there during the 40 years that the Yidden were wandering in the desert. There is clearly a great connection between the two. The fact that it was hidden in the walls was itself a miracle; why, what was the fear? If they were invaded how would it help? And Gold, so precious, in the walls.
The years in the desert were full of awesome mesiras nefesh, just putting themselves in that position. It was the greatest demonstration of faithfulness and devotion. 40 years of a lack of gashmius gained for them the miracle that the goyim put gold, the best of gashmius, away for them. It brought for them infinte blessings. This was must one of many. Any thing we do to serve Hashem brings the greatest of blessings.
Shabbos HaGadol has with it the blessing of Pesach and the seder night, the center, the nucleus of the whole avodas Hashem. Have a wonderful, meaningful, Shabbos.
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