Parshas Vayishlach 5777


Parshas Vayishlach 5777
by Mordechai Dolinsky

After Yaakov had the victorious encounter with the Malach he gained through this the recognition that Yitzchok’s brachos were his rightfully. The great difficulty here very obviously is –what does one have to do with the other–the victory and the brachos. What took place in this battle of Yaakov and Esav we can probably explain –Esav for sure had some very positive traits that he worked on the acquire and these were crystallized in his Malach. Yaakov had his traits that he worked on for years to perfect. In the battle they were matched up from the depths of their souls, the kochos of their souls. After the victory Yaakov had no need for anything to be done underhanded. Yaakov goes and says Avi Yitzchok –it was let known that you felt that Esav deserved the brachos for certain traits, I wish to show you and I’m sure you’ll agree that I am the one that should be the recipient of the brachos and Yitzchok surely would agree.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.