Parshas Emor 5778


Parshas Emor (5778)

by Mordechai Dolinsky


22:3-4  In our parsha we find that the pasuk expresses the term ‘moed’ for Shabbos.  Rashi brings the limud that if one profanes the Yom Tov it is looked upon and considered as chillul Shabbos, and conversely if one upholds the Yom Tov in its completion it is considered as though he glorifies the Shabbos.  The significance of being considered as profaning the Sabbos could be a type of punishment min HaShomayim.  We can perhaps understand it that the essence of Shabbos the dinim of the 39 melachos declares the most essential foundation of emuna in Hashem as the Borei Olam.  This is the open message.  Perhaps we can say that Yom Tov, likewise, has this declaration in the keeping of all the dinim but in a subtle, not open way, and by chas v’shalom profaning is tantamount to being mechalel Shabbos and by  upholding Yom Tov we declare thye positive message of Shabbos.


Have a wonderful, meaningful Shabbos.

Parshas Acharei-Kedoshim



Parshas Acharei-Kedoshim 5778

by Mordechai Dolinsky


19:4 Rashi.  The Chumash criticizes and speaks down of one that is trying to rely on some object for some assistance; hoping it will assist him in some way and obviously excluding the Yad Hashem.  HIs mind will be perverted and it will turn into a real avoda zara.  How much we must always focus to make sure that Hashem is in the center of the picture.


Even verbal curse directed to parents is punishable with capital punishment.  How vital and critical is gratitude.


Have a wonderful and meaningful Shabbos.

Parshas Shmini



Parshas Shmini (5766)

By Mordechai Dolinsky


We live in an era where we have a special need for strengthening and reinforcing our emuna.  Of the four creatures the Chumash enumerates having only one of the two signs of kashrus; with the passing of thousands of years since Hashem gave the Torah, and hundreds of new species discovered, no new animal was observed having only one of two signs specified in the Chumash.  This includes the multitude of new species previously unknown that were discovered in Australia.


The laws of kashrus include various trefos which, if understood properly, are explicit true knowledge of the intricacies of anatomy, which according to modern medicine were discovered and understood relatively recently—chizuk!


In our blessing for Rosh Chodesh we should include spiritual success for our endeavors for the forthcoming period.


The nightly sefira should be a source of self-improvement for the assigned sefira of the day.


Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Tazria-Metzora



Parshas Tazria-Metzorah (5778)

by Mordechai Dolinsky


(Tazria 12:6)  There is an awesome Chazal concerning the yoledes that after the different after-birth stages she comes to the Bai HaMikdash to offer her sacrifice obligations and her appearance must be herself on her own.  The Chazal compare this to something of the most unique, striking significance.  Hashem first created Adam and Chava and afterward crowned them with the blessing of being introduced to Gan Eden.  Likewise the yoledes after her giving birth she is blessed with the great zechus to come to to the Bais HaMikdash.  The analogy we can say is Adam and Chava went through a preparation period before being put in the great Gan, likewise the whole birth experience is like a great preparation in personal growth which the climax is the coming to the Shchinah in the Bais HaMikdash for the korbanos.


In life we are put through many growing experiences which climax in some greatness that has been prepared for us min haShomayim which is bestowed upon us.


Have a wonderful Shabbos and a meaningful, productive Chodesh.