Parshas Behar 5778



Parshas Behar 5778

by Mordechai Dolinsky


It is absolutely amazingly awesome the Torah inserts, integrates, imposes itself on the basics of our lives especially in areas where one really and is entitled to feel his personal ownership.


The shmittah, absolutely mind-boggling–he has no input on his own land.  Besides the complete reliance on Hashem for his basic sustenance of life itself.  Then we have the point of ownership, selling and buying his land out of his control.  Then there is his personal body completely bound and controlled to the extent he has the right to sell himself and the buyer to what extent he can use the eved Ivri.


This is all a manifestation of our basic belief Hashem Hu HaElokim.  It is not just talk but it is real and we live it in the extremity as a very real committment to the emes Hashem Hu HaElokim.


Have a wonderful, meaningful Shabbos.