Parshas Noach 5779



Parshas Noach (5779)

by Mordechai Dolinsky


7:7 Rashi brings that Noach reflected doubt regarding the coming of the storm by the fact that he was pushed into the Taiva by the force of the rain.  The obvious difficulty is it impossible to relate to any doubt that Noach could have had.


Perhaps…. Noach really knew how low and wicked the world had fallen and understood and accepted Hashem’s decree.  Nevertheless he understood the tremendous churban, how awful the destruction was going to be.  Noach was saying–they deserved it; You decreed it; but it is awful.  Hashem-You are not going to do it–You said you would but You are really not, even though they deserve it.  It was a hope…. it was a hope.


Have a wonderful and inspiring Shabbos.