Parshas Vayeshev 5779


Parshas Vayeshev 5779
by Mordechai Dolinsky

It is so difficult to begin to understand how it is possible for the brothers to consider putting an end to Yosef’s life. Even considering the dreams, the extra love that Yaakov gave him.

I don’t have the slightest hint to begin to comprehend and the tzibbur at large fails to realize this great difficulty. Perhaps the realization of this, being such a great difficulty is a great chiddush and accomplishment.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Vayishlach 5779



Parshas Vayishlach (5779)

By Mordechai Dolinsky


After an absence of 21 years Yaakov is at last returning home, having left Esav in a mindset of hatred and is completely ignorant of his present attitude.  Yaakov sends an elaborate, positive message to Esav, communicating the will for brotherly love.  Strangely, in the text of the Chumash we don’t find an answer.  The שליחים did return with a reply from Esav but it was not verbal; עשו הרשע and an army of four hundred marching, pressing forward with hatred and vengeance.  Yaakov receives Esav’s communication of wicked intent and Yaakov’s reaction is clear—he continues to surge on equipped with a presentation of gifts plus Tefilah and readiness for מלחמה.  Amazing, at any moment they can attack.  They finally reached a mutual meeting point, Yaakov bows and the great miracle; Esav’s hatred melts away.    The awesomeness of this great miracle is not quite appreciated as much as it deserves.


We should be זוכה to be inspired.

Parshas Vayeitzei 5779



Parshas Vayeitzei (5779)

By Mordechai  Dolinsky


29:31 –וירא ה’ כי שנואה לאה—Leah unfortunately was a snuah.  Her predicament, pushed into a forced marriage, her husband really wanting her sister.  It is a peleh to understand why she should be subjected to this.  The pasuk testifies that Hashem feels her tzaar.


We have here a most important axiom of life and the way of the Torah.  One is born at times  with a fate, neshama,  that must be snuah.  Leah could have suffered with this with a rasha, a gangster, murderer.  Hashem gave  it to her with Yaakov and to be the mother of Klal Yisroel.


Ashrayich she zachis, Leah.


Have a wonderful  Shabbos


Parshas Toldos 5779

Parshas Toldos (5779)

By Mordechai  Dolinsky

Something so very difficult in the parsha; Yitzchok has in mind to give the brachos to Esav, and Esav only; he feels him, smells him, to be sure.  Hidden from him, he gave the grand presentation to Yaakov, completely.  The brachos were received, recognized, honored and realized to Yaakov.  How do we begin to comprehend?

A most important factor in the strength of the bracha is actual physical closeness between the giver and receiver of the bracha.  We can observe this physical contact/concept in other areas such as Moshe giving over the leadership of Klal Yisroel to Yehoshua.  Also pertaining to   korbonos we have the physical semichah on the animal.

This has special meaning to us, try to deliver your well-meaning brachos face to face.

Another avenue of thought for the brachos properly reaching Yaakov even if Esav was Yitzchok’s initial address for the brachos  under everything Yitzchok had only one thing in mind, and one thing only and that was Klal Yisroel, its future, its benefit and structure.  And so the brachos went exactly where Yitzchok intended them to with the greatest success imaginable.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and fruitful Chodesh.

Parshas Chayei Sara 5779



Parshas Chayei Sara (5779)

by Mordechai Dolinsky


I am sure it is in place to observe and to remark that the relating of Yitzchok and Rivka was written, aesthetically speaking, very special, sweet and beautiful.


Yitzchok coming up from the field engaged in composing and davening Mincha.  Rivka just arrived with the shaliach, gracefully slipping off the camel, observing for the first time her zivug.  Such a special simcha for Yitzchok, having gone through the traumatic experience of the עקידה .  Rivka likewise deserved such a special arrangement from Hashem to meet her zivug; having done such a noble courageous act of leaving the security of her family with Eliezer, a complete stranger, out to a great unknown world.  Probably the holiness of her soul enlightened her to escape from the wickedness and impurity of her surroundings.


With all the hardships and difficult נסיונות they had in their lifetimes, הקב”ה the שולט בכל presented them with this momentous occasion with the epitome of joy and happiness.


Have a wonderful, productive week and good Chodesh.