Parshas Vayeitzei (5779)
By Mordechai Dolinsky
29:31 –וירא ה’ כי שנואה לאה—Leah unfortunately was a snuah. Her predicament, pushed into a forced marriage, her husband really wanting her sister. It is a peleh to understand why she should be subjected to this. The pasuk testifies that Hashem feels her tzaar.
We have here a most important axiom of life and the way of the Torah. One is born at times with a fate, neshama, that must be snuah. Leah could have suffered with this with a rasha, a gangster, murderer. Hashem gave it to her with Yaakov and to be the mother of Klal Yisroel.
Ashrayich she zachis, Leah.
Have a wonderful Shabbos