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Parshas Bo 5779


Parshas Bo (5779)

by Mordechai Dolinsky

With extreme importance of Klal Yisroel performing the mitzvah of korban Pesach it is most difficult to understand why the Chumash fails to relate to us the actual event.

12:37—the pasuk relates ויסעו בני ישראל—the final greatest moment of Yetzias Mitzrayim.  This is without any orders from Hashem to Moshe or orders from Moshe to Klal Yisroel.  Absolutely no fanfare at all.  Something which must be greatly understood.

What could be the significance of the Torah’s  insistent command to prepare and consume the korban Pesach in the roasted style?  Perhaps we can say that the purpose of the korban was to openly demonstrate toe rebellion against and rejection of the Egyptian עבודה זרה.  By each step of the preparation and fulfilling the mitzvah of the korban they were demonstrating this rejection.  Since the most significant use of the animal is the consumption of its meat and roasting is the best, so this is the highest sign of rejection. 

Have a wonderful and meaningful Shabbos with the hope to see to גאולה שלמה בקרוב.

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