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Parshas Shmos 5779


Parshas Shmos 5779

By Mordechai Dolinsky

3: 2-4:  A most puzzling and difficult point in the parsha  is by the simplicity of how the חומש  presents the episode of how Moshe in his route has taken note of a flaming bush and decides it is something worth his observation.  This was taken note by HKB”H and obviously held in very high esteem that it was the point  that deserved the decision of Moshe the manhig.  What actually was obwserved that was so impressive?  There a few levels that could have caught Moshe’s attention to want to observe; a burning bush not being consumed or even having seen the שכינה there.  We cannot relate to this as anything special enough for him to be called a leader.  Moshe must have seen in the fire a special  גילוי in the dvar Hashem  that was the secret of the dvar Hashem of the 10 makos, the kriyas Yam Suf, the maamad Har Sinai.  This Moshe saw and for this wanted to return.  This min HaShaymin they said this is the manhig!!

The chizuk and inspiration for us is to have a sensitivity and alertness to special gems of ruchnius that are around us.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.  

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