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Parshas Voaira 5779


Parshas Voaira (5779)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

There is a special, unusual uniqueness in the parsha that demands our special attention.  All the makos presented a basic choice to Pharaoh and the Egyptians—do you believe in Hashem and will you release Bnai Yisroel from their bondage,  or ח”ו do you deny Hashem and will not realse בני ישראל from Mitzrayim.  Here, in regard to makas borod a third option is presented, bring in the perishables—if you believe.  This choice really has great depth; on one side “the no admit aspect” nevertheless Hashem allows here to come forward with some commitment of emunah.  You can see this as a great Divine plan given as chizuk for all.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and an uplifting Chodesh.

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