Yom Kippur (5772)


Erev Yom Kippur 5772
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The essence of Yom Kippur is a 25 hour time zone which has the ability to cleanse us of aveiros. It is not connected with Shmoneh Esrei and every minute and second has this Divine cleansing gift. Before and after davening, in bed about the fall alseep, whenever we think of some issue which needs this Divine cleansing we should take advantage of it and do teshuva with charata over the past and kabala for the future. In our kabala we should analyze the situation which exposed us to the temptation and make a commitment not to enter that scene.

It is best to come to davening with a personalized list of our own shortcomings for which we want forgiveness.

Have a gmar chasima tova and a wonderful year to all.

Yom Kippur – Succos (5768)


Succos (5768)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

The Torah expresses to us its selection of the esrog that it can remain growing on the tree from year to year—hador al hailan mishana l’shana,  We may say that this is more than a hint but is rather an outstanding attribute of its essence.

Why is this a positive attribute?  It is noteworthy that in the course of the awesome Yom Kippur service the Kohain Gadol has whole array of objects that their beginnings are waiting for his continued service.  He says vidui on the “par” the it waits; he makes a goral on the goats and then they wait; he again goes back to the “par” makes a second vidui, slaughters it and then it waits, this process goes on and on.  From the complete picture of this emerges a concept of the supreme importance of allowing something to stand for the right time to come.  Likewise the essence of an esrog is that it can stand from year to year.  This is supreme lesson for life-don’t insist on “now”, allow time for the right thing to happen.

Have a very joyous and significant Shmini Atzeres and Simchas Torah.

Erev Yom Kippur (5768)


Erev Yom Kippur (5768)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

The greatest blessing for us to have is the true insight to what our specific mission and purpose for being in the world is.  We should have the strength and wherewithal to accomplish this.

By recognizing and submitting ourselves to the malchus shomayim we are making ourselves worthy of this splendid blessing.

A wonderful year in every way to you all and to all of Klal Yisroel.

Yom Kippur (5767)


Yom Kippur (5767)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

We generally associate the vidui recited on Yom Kippur to be connected with the various tefilos of Shmone Esreh.  The truth is that the power of Yom Kippur is not necessarily related to the davening. Yom Kippur is a time zone; a specific parameter of time that from the very moment it is ushered in until its final moment, it is an agent that together with tshuva can rid us of our soul stains from transgressions.  It can and should be used out to its utmost and any moment that we recall something which requires forgiveness use your Yom Kippur for this.

A gmar chasimah tova to all and a wonderful year to all Klal Yisroel.

Parshas Haazinu (Yom Kippur)


Parshas Haazinu (Yom Kippur)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The importance of the parsha can be perceived from the words of the Chumash itself in Parshas Vayelech (31:19). “Write this song for yourselves and teach it to Bnei Yisroel, and place it in their mouths”. 31:25—“It shall be that when many evils and distress will be encountered then this song shall speak up as a witness”. One of the outstanding themes is the observation and sensitivity to the events that we are constantly experiencing. This has a special timely meaning as will be explained.

It is clear that the central theme of Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur is relating specifically to the ‘Malchus HaShem’. This amounts to superimposing to HaShem, kavyachol, the image, concept and the experiencing of earthly human royalty. This is a combination of awe, fear and admiration. The institution of authentic royalty is contemporarily extinct. Because of this we are faced with a challenge of not having the slightest concept of ‘malchus’ with which to relate to HaShem.

Queen Esther put her life on the line by petitioning for a few words with His Majesty. Bear in mind that this was none other than her husband who she was supposedly so endeared to. This is a startling glimpse at the awesome quality of true royalty and our lack of insight into it. In the Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur Shmoneh Esrei when expressing the yearning for the fear and reverence of the Kingdom of HaShem to be reinstated, the commentaries explain the word “Uvchen” (tain pachdecha) is a reference to the term Esther used when relating to her encounter with King Achashverosh!

How can we relate to the ‘Malchus HaShem’ without having witnessed or experienced it? The awesome grandeur of royalty is void. However it is possible to achieve our connection to malchus through the glorious manifestation of the Malchus Shomayim which is demonstrated through the manipulation of the current events which surround us; the theme of our parsha and very appropo for Yom Kippur whose theme is ‘malchus HaShem’.

A Gmar Chasima Tova for all of us and all of Klal Yisroel.