Parshas BeHaaloscha (5760)
Parshas BeHaaloscha (5760)
by Mordechai Dolinsky
An obvious puzzle concerning of parsha is the diversity of subjects. Just the manner of springing from subject to subject calls out: “explain me!”. The appointing of the lighting of the Menora to Aharon and his progenity—the appointing of the Liviim to their positions in the Avoda—Pesach Sheni— the appearance of the Anenei HaKavod— the camping and the movement of Klal Yisroel based on the Anenei HaKavod— the misonanim and the incident of Aharon and Miriam speaking about Moshe Rabbenu.
In the beginning of the Parsha Rashi explains the sequence of placing the menora next to the korbanos of the Nesiim. It was a consolation to Aharon for the great disappointment of not being included in the Chanukas HaNesiim. What is this disappointment about? It is all about yearning and inspiration, an awesome yearning and inspiration to come close and to bask in the light of the Shechina. The lights of the Menora themselves are signs of yearning and inspiration, always trying to “jump” above, to the Shamayim.
The Leviim weren’t just given orders for their holy work. Rashi explains “Kachem BiDevorim”, they have to be inspired to do the avoda with a yearning to come close.
Pesach Sheni which is being given a “second chance” for the magnificent closeness of the korban Pesach, was the answer to the request of the greatly disappointed who had missed the great opportunity. This is a product of yearning and inspiration.
The Anenei HaKavod is a physical manifestation of the Shechina. We can’t imagine the magnitude of this. Hashem sends his Shechina down this way if people yearn for him and are inspired.
To be guided personally and be directed by HaShem in every move is a tremendous zechus. HaShem does this if there is yearning and inspiration to move with Him.
On the flip side of this with regard to the misonanim, the mistaken complainers, Rashi explains “Bikshu Lehiporaid MayHaShem”—this great tragedy came about as a result of the lack of yearning and inspiration.
The mistake that Aharon and Miriam made concerning Moshe Rabbenu came about by not comprehending the great level of yearning and inspiration that Moshe Rabbenu had.
The Ramban at the beginning of the Parsha quotes Rabbenu Nissim that the hadlaka of the Menora is referring to the role that the Kohanim played in the ness of Chanukah which was a result of their great yearning and inspiration.
Hashem should open up our hearts and show us the way to yearn for Him and to be inspired.
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