Parshas Korach (5762)
Parshas Korach (5762)
By Mordechai Dolinsky
The whole episode of Korach is puzzling. They have their respectable positions in the midst of many beautiful aspects of the whole panorama of the actuality of the realization of the Torah life in the desert. Korach persists in upsetting this epitome of tranquility. The prognosis of this is a very basic issue revealed to us by Chazal and elucidated in Mesilas Yesharim. “Gam HaNefesh Lo Timolai”—an analogy of a great royal princess coming from the greatest royal luxuries and fineries, the grandest of tapestries, the finest of chamber music, magnificent culinary treats matched by the finest china and cutlery. She marries a simple, coarse farmer and in constantly plagued with pangs of yearning for her palace. The peasant is puzzled and confused as to why he cannot satisfy her. He presents her with his crude concept of beauty and she is put off with disappointment, frustration and horror. The neshama which comes from higher spheres suffers great disappointment in these materialistic surroundings where it can’t find a place or peace for itself. This is responsible for the unreasonable, irrational unrest that plagues the human race. It explains why we are unique in the whole Creation and suffer from this disruptions and destructiveness.
As long as their basic needs are taken care of, all the Creation, all the creatures, are at peace. They don’t organize and rebel. They don’t from political parties and false idealism. On the positive side this is what drives us to strive for perfection and spirituality in this world and motivates us to teshuva. When properly harnassed this is our greatest driving force.
Korach, Korach, everything is so wonderful, why can’t you be happy, sit back and enjoy the blessings and the miracles?
Human, human, Yiddel, Yiddel, why you can’t you sit back and be happy and enjoy your blessings?
Have a wonderful week, and a wonderful Chodesh full of yeshuos and nechamos for all Clal Yisroel.
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