Parshas Noach (5764)


Parshas Noach (5764)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

That Hashem selected the element of water as a means of retribution to the wicked generation of the Mabul is noteworthy.  R’ Chayim Vital explains that the element of water is the source of all lusts.  The Divine selection of water is a sign that the root of the wickedness was the lack of control of material desires.

We now have a unique insight to why the waters of the Yam Suf parted in the merit of Yosef HaTzaddik, since he excelled in his superb control over his lust.  Often, the overindulgence in lust blinds us to what would be obvious spiritual insights.  We should all be inspired to strive for this control and have the utmost of success.

Have a wonderful week.

Parshas Bereishis (5764)


Parshas Bereishis (5764)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

The underlying message we see in Rashi from the beginning of the parsha which is an introduction to the whole Chumash is that we have no comprehension of the text without the accompanying Torah Shebe-al peh.  All the brachos of the Chag together with the blessings of Shabbos Mevorchim should bring a wonderful month for you all and for all KLal Yisroel.

Parshas Noach (5763)


Parshas Noach (5763)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

One of the most striking Chazal Rashi quotes in the entire Chumash is in our Parsha (11:9): the atrocities of dor Haflaga were much greater than of the generation of Noach since it tampered with their belief in Hashem.  But since there was true love and friendship between them they weren’t destroyed.

The more one gains insight into the true will of Hashem the more it is apparent that the greatest priority to Hashem is our consideration and relationships with our fellow man.  This is an area we are constantly put to test with; dealing and putting up with the idiosyncrasies of our human contact, to actuate our real love and consideration to all.

Have a lovely Shabbos.

Parshas Bereish (5763)


Parshas Bereish (5763)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The fact that this is called Shabbos Bereishis is unique and has special significance.  No other parsha  has a shabbos named in it’s honor.  Perhaps we can say that the parsha connects with the whole purpose of Shabbos, a celebration and recognition of Hashem, the Creator.

Rav Miller zt”l asked:  Every great miracle has a holiday to commemorate it.  What is the Yom tov of Brias HaOlam?  He explains that there are 52 Yomim Tovim, every Shabbos is a commemoration of Bereishis.  So this week of the Parsha Bereishis certainly deserves special notation.

It reminds and inspires us to focus the seuda as a party in honor of Hashem the Creator.  It is important to keep in perspecdtive the Chazal that Rashi quotes that the Creation was for Clal Yisroel and the Torah.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Vayechi (5762)

Parshas Vayechi (5762)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

After years of separation and heartache our parsha relates the final coming together of Yaakov Ovinu and his beloved Yosef.  In the framework of the basic text it is shocking to see the limited contact they indulged in and enjoyed after Yaakov settled in Mitzrayim.

What an awesome lesson!!  Two giants with their purpose and priorities preserved and observed.  Yaakov—the pillar of Torah, and Yosef—his top prodigy—both intensively committed to their own specific avodas HaShem; not allowing the emotions of the lapse of time that eradicated their personal contact to indulge in purposeless social contact.

Chazal tell us how vital and imperative our preoccupation with Torah is in this period of time.  Let’s be inspired from the example and the lesson of our Parsha.

Have wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Vayigash (5762)


Parshas Vayigash (5762)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Our whole parsha is electrified with emotion.  We are living in a time that our feelings are sinking to the lowest ebb.  A lack of relating to our friends, neighbors, relatives, siblings, parents and children.  The Torah foretells that at the last period of the golus we will have hearts of stone.  We, however, must do everything to harness every power within us to reverse this.  We must stimulate our emotions and feelings.

Let’s have a warm, emotionally charged, beautiful Shabbos.

Parshas Miketz (5762)


Parshas Miketz (5762)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Often we find the most important lessons from the realm of simplicity.  A cup of olive oil, the juice of the fruit with a wick, with applied proper heat will produce light.  This is one of the most profound lessons in the universe.  An olive, which can be the side course for “shmaltz herring”, can produce light.  We humans can float through life, with bland nothingness or if properly inspired, can produce light.  One can lead a life of complacent nothingness or reach awesome, stupendous spiritual heights.

When one is, as modern terminology phrases, “turned on” properly he can be connected with the Infinite, Elokus.  Yosef interpreted the dreams of Paroh in the absolute truth and it was accepted and palatable to Paroh.  Was he an expert in dream interpreting?  He was lit up, inspired and connected with Hashem the Infinite.

The Chashmonaim went against  the Yevanim—a complete, absolute, utter physical impossibility.   They were turned on and connected with the Infinite, the Light…….

A freilichen Chanukah, a wonderful Shabbos and Good Chodesh for you and all of Klal Yisroel.

Parshas Vayishlach (5762)


Parshas Vayishlach (5762)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

I was asked, wasn’t it wicked to kill the whole town of Shechem?  I think the explanation is that they were supportive of the terrible atrocity to the point that they were willing to be circumsized which shows a tremendous commitment to the wickedness of Shechem, their leader.

We are living in a society and culture which has terrible ideas, ideals and condones wickedness.  Just to mention a few—hard core pornography, the gays, abortions, leniency in the mixing of men and women, women’s lib.  How much effort and care must be invested not be supportive of the wickedness of Esav.

Have a lovely Shabbos.

Parshas Vayeitzei (5762)


Parshas Vayeitzei (5762)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The brown sheep that Yaakov wanted for himself and not the brown goats may be explained as follows.  Sheep we find are symbolic for Klal Yisroel.  Rashi explains that “chum” (brown) was reddish (adom).  There are characteristics Esav had that in the Divine plan were intended to be harnessed for avodas Hashem.  Because Esav misused his free will Yaakov Avinu was now given many of these characteristics to harness and use for perfection.  We must be aware that we have within us these qualities and materialistic leanings which likewise must be harnessed for avodas Hashem.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Toldos (5762)


Parshas Toldos (5762)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

It is related in our parsha the puzzling episode of Yitzchok Avinu engaging in intimacy with his wife and being observed by Avimelelch, something which is opposed to the laws of decency and the Torah mentality.  Perhaps we can explain this with the understanding that Yitzchok Avinu was the pillar of Avoda, meaning that he was a giant in perceiving the essence of the world as a manifestation of the word of Hashem.  As the Nefesh HaChayim warns, greatness in this area can lead to a lack of being in touch with the reality of the boundaries in the creation.  For Yitzchok the intimacy was, as the Ramban relates to Adam and Chava, acts of complete holiness.  Yitzchok was partaking in “Shala Shudis” with his wife.  The lesson for us is when inspired to the idealism of holiness, not to lose sight of the sensitivity of the feelings of others and realistic requirements.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.