Parshas Vayigash (5769)


Parshas Vayigash (5769)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Whatever the specific right words were to signal to Yosef that the special time had arrived for his revealing himself, Yehuda certainly said them.  The great point is Siyatta Dishmaya.   We must always ask Hashem for sittaya Dishmaya for all our endeavors, for everything.  Le’ts pray for Klal Yisroel on all the fronts.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Mikaitz (5769)


Parshas Mikaitz (5769)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Despite the brothers efforts to degrade Yosef as a slave the realization of his dreams came true in his becoming the shaini lamelech.

The Yevanim wanted and attempted to eradicate the Torah and the fulfillment of mitzvos and not only failed but due to their manipulations we gained the Yom Tov of Chanukah.

Have a wonderful Shabbos, a fulfilling and insightful Chanukah and a new month of redemption for Klal Yisroel.

Parshas Vayishlach (5769)


Parshas Vayishlach (5769)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

It is absolutely mind-boggling how Yaakov Avinu was successful in his historical rendezvous with Esav who initially had set out to annihilate Yaakov.  We can attribute this to a number of significant factors but the main outstanding point is that he was following for what he understood was the dictates of Hashem.  What a most significant, enlightening message—how critical and crucial it is to seek and follow the course of the Will of Hashem in the decisions of Klal Yisroel in general and in personal matters.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Toldos (5769)


Parshas Toldos (5769)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Yaakov Avinu carried out the Divinely ordained instructions of Rivka Imeinu to intercede Eisav and receive the brachos of Yitzchok insuring the critical source for the continual existence of Klal Yisroel.  The Chazal ask when did Yaakov pay back Eisav for the great anguish he endured upon the realization of his loss?

ABSOLUTELY MIND-BOGGLING!  Yaakov is fulfilling an awesome mitzvah, nevertheless, the hurt he inflicts on another human being does not go without retribution!  What is the score if the hurt inflicted is done without fulfilling a mitzvah???

Have a wonderful Shabbos and a fulfilling and redeeming Chodesh.

Parshas Chayei Sara (5769)


Parshas Chayei Sara (5769)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Eliezer, on his trip to arrange the marriage for Yitzchok, brought a certificate containing everything owned.  Rashi explains, this, so that Lavan should “jump” for the shidduch.  This was to see to it that the shidduch would be arranged without Lavan putting much thought into it. It was actually a great miracle that edifice of such wickedness and cruelty was willing to give their daughter to become part of the greatest light of kedusha in Creation.  Hashem truly manipulates all events.  This is a lesson which is so significant today with the current events seeming so frightening.  It is imperative that we strengthen our emuna in Hashem who is the “oseh chadashos” and we shall openly see the hand of Hashem in His rule.

Have a wonderful week and a good Chodesh.

Parshas Vayeira (5769)


Parshas Vayeira (5769)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The theme of the sedra is chessed which is the foundation of Klal Yisroel.  The first step of chesed is the “sur mayrah” part which is not hurting others, something which unfortunately is very prevalent these days.

We must pray to Hashem to open our eyes and enlighten us as to where we unintentionally hurt others in our environment and devote a few moments each day for introspection on this issue.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Lech Lecha (5769)


Parshas Lech Lecha (5769)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

All the main attributes of Avraham Avinu are role models for the essence of Klal Yisroel which he established.  Avraham HaIvri is on one side and the whole world is on the other.  Avraham Avinu the searcher of the truth is ready to repel and rebel against his surroundings and society.  How ready we must be for this mindset on so many issues to deserve to be part of the nation of Avraham’s great vision and which he created.

Have a wonderful remainder of the week!

Parshas Noach (5769)

Parshas Noach (5769)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The greatest puzzle in the episode of the mabul is Noach’s weakness in belief of the pending storm leading to his hesitancy to enter the Ark until actually forced by the angry storm waters.  Most difficult to comprehend is that despite all his doubts why didn’t he enter the Ark; what was there to lose?

One of the most basic principles in our belief and understanding of Hashem is that He is completely “chesed”, kindness.  This is crystallized in His name.  This is the dominant way He reveals Himself to the world, it is therefore like a command for us to believe and understand Hashem in this way.  The idea of Hashem bringing destruction to mankind and life on earth was a complete contradiction.  Noach’s insight to the kindness of Hashem didn’t allow him to accept the prophecy of the mabul and was confident that Hashem would not carry it out and reverse at the last second.  Noach felt it was incumbent upon himself to demonstrate his unbending belief in Hashem’s kindness by refraining to enter until forced.

This enlightens us to recognize the awesome kindness of Hashem and to emulate Him.

Have a wonderful, significant Shabbos.