Parshas Vayelech


Parshas Vayeilech (5773)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Rashi explains that Hasem Himself relieved Moshe Rabeinu of his duties as leader of Klal Yisroel. The deep and awesome significance of this is that our leaders are chosen by Hashem as the original appointment of Moshe was in the desert at the incident of the burning bush. So it is to this very day the role of leadership has great ramifications to our whole avoda and the appointment of this position is made by Hashem through Hashgacha Pratis. It is an appropo subject this Shabbos, the first Shabbos of the year and before Yom Kippur, the foundation of Klal Yisroel.

We should cry to Hashem for His leadership; Klal Yisroel has only Hashem to depend on. Have a wonderful first Shabbos and a wonderful year.

Parshas Nitzavim


Parshas Nitzavim (5772)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

“Atem Nitzavim” (29:19) – Rashi explains that Moshe brought Klal Yisroel before Hashem; just to contemplate the simplicity of these words – before Hashem – before Hashem. Moshe Rabeinu motivated Klal Yisroel to eradicate and dissipate the great barriers of the world of ‘metzius’, melt the materialism and connect with the reality of HaKadosh Baruch Hu. This is in essence our avoda of Rosh Hashanah.

Wishing you all a wonderful final Shabbos of the year which will connect into Rosh Hashanah of bracha and hatzlacha for all of Klal Yisroel.

Parshas Ki Savo


Parshas Ki Savo (5772)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Arami ovaid Avi—the dangers of Lavan are kept absolutely secret in the pasuk to teach us that Klal Yisroel is constantly subject to great danger, spiritual and physical, that is hidden. How meaningful this message is now, before Rosh Hashana, making a spiritual reckoning for the year and especially in these the dark, dangerous days before bias Mashiach.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Shoftim


Parshas Shoftim (5772)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Shoftim v’shotrim — the concept of the shotrim translated in our personal avodas Hashem is the regimentation that we have to impose upon ourselves to remove ourselves from the arena of nisyonos. In the ruach of Elul we should try to elevate ourselves and put ourselves in the arena of ruchnius especially by davening Shachris, specifically psuka d’zimra and birchas krias shma with inspiration and b’kol and with kavana and we should reach out to Hashem to give us special Divine assistance to succeed in avodas Hashem.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Re’ay


Parshas Re’ay (5772)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

In dealing with the instigating of avodah zarah the pasuk 14 refers to him as a belial, he threw off the yoke of Hashem. If he is spreading idol worship of course he is belial. The secret here is that he threw off the yoke of Hashem before the avoda zara, Hashem who is so clear and so obvious and so close he pushed away and then he is open to everthing.

The pasuk 13:1 says that we are forbidden to rip our hair in mourning for a close one. It seems from the pasuk this is because Hashem is our real father. However Rashi explains the real significance is that since we are Hashem’s children we have to look like princes. We must conduct ourselves like the true children of the King of Kings.

Have a fulfilling Shabbos and fulfilling Chodesh.

Parshas Eikev


Parshas Eikev (5772)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

(10:1) Hashem commanded Moshe to carve the luchos and then make the aron. Moshe, however, took the initiative to make the aron first, against the commandment of Hashem. According to the priorities of kedusha, of course the luchos come before the aron, however in this materialistic world we must have the appreciation, the awe, respect and recognition of the awesome kedusha. For us, this is the ultimate, perhaps more important than the kedusha. This aron Rashi says accompanied us to war. This zechus of respect for the kedusha in this low, materialistic world; to admire, to give admiration for the completion of Shas, this is the ultimate of greatness.

Have a wonderful, uplifting Shabbos.

Parshas Nitzavim – Vayelelch (5771)


Parshas Nitzavim – Vayelech (5771)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

31:7 Rashi explains that Moshe tells Yehoshua and insists that he confers with the zekanim. However Hashem Himself instructs Yehoshua to do as he understands. This can be explained that Moshe had this special Siyata DiShmaya of a oneness with Hashem and he could project that he was unique; the only one that would have it. Only Hashem Himself knew that He would give it to Yehoshua.

Let us cling to our leaders for their Divine conection.

29:18 It is shocking the midas hadin for the individual that is guilty of hefkairus and prikas ohl. How much we have to have a sensitivity not to be guilty of this in this non-conventional, rebellious generation.

Rav Miller used to say all’s well that ends well — make this your best Shabbos.

Parshas Ki Savo (5771)


Parshas Ki Savo (5771)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

In our parsha there is the viduy of bikurim, the foundation of our service to Hashem, hakoras hatov, gratitude. This is appropriate to prepare for Rosh HaShana.

The main avoda of Elul should be bein adam l’chavero, connecting with people on the highest level in every way.

Ani L’dodi V’dodi Li–Hashem makes Himself available and to feel and connect with it daven Shacharis with extra inspiration and with your voice and thought.

Have a wonderful Shabbos, successful Elul, and a wonderful year.

Parshas Ki Saitzai (5771)


Parshas Ki Saitzai (5771)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Elul is the time for intensive dedication and in this present point of history more than ever we must attempt to overcome the great thick walls that separate us one from another.

We must also get close to Hashem by davening with a special inspiration, enthusiasm and outward oval expression.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.