Parshas Voeschanan (5771)


Parshas Voeschanan (5771)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

After the Churban we have parshas Voeschanan which brings us down to the basics of the recognition of our belief in Hashem as the Creator and the purpose of our perpetuating this belief in the world.  Committing ourselves to fight all the false ideals of darkness and yearning and hoping and acting to reveal the true Malchus Shomayim.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and a true fulfillment of Shabbos Nachamu.

Parshas Nitzavim – Vayeilech (5770)


Parshas Nitzavim Vayeilech (5770)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Because of the major importance of this major gathering that Moshe Rabeinu called before his passing, it has tremendous significance. (29:1) Roshaychem shiftaychem ziknaychem—Rashi quotes hachoshuv choshuv kodem—perhaps we can see here a special depth that the order having the greater first was that the actual manifestation of the “lifnei Hashem” was from the Elokus that was imbibed in the souls and greatness of the leaders.

Also by honoring the greater first we see the supreme importance of derech eretz—a major prerequisite and requirement for receiving of the Torah. This needs to be reinforced by the world and by bnei Yisroel today.

The kavod of Hashem should be revealed by our commitment to His Malchus; kingdom and rule and this will bring blessing for ourselves and for the world for the New Year.

Have a wonderful and significant windup Shabbos for the year.

Parshas Ki Savo (5770)


Parshas Ki Savo (5770)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

A very fruitful Elul activity is to prepare oneself for the halachik aspects of the tekias shofar. This, in order to relate more intimately and intelligently to perhaps one of the most important mitzvos of the year—the proclaiming of Hashem’s Kingdom in the world.

It would be also be very productive for one the familiarize oneself with the ten kavanos of tekias shofar quoted contemporarily in many Rosh Hashana machzorim.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and a continued inspiring Elul to be culminated by a shana tova in all ways.

Parshas Ki Saitzai (5770)


Parshas Ki Saitzai (5770)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Let’s all inspire ourselves to be engrossed in our Elul avodas Hashem in self-improvement bain adam laMakom and bein adam l’chavero, positives and negatives. There is an immense of Divine help available for those who are so inspired. Ki Saitzai lamilchama—these are our trule life battles. We should all be successful and it should culminate to a shana tova for ourselves and all Klal Yisroel.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Shoftim (5770)


Parshas Shoftim (5770)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Rashi (8:9) states that the importance of the knowledge of the devious ways of the gentile society is in order to guide our offspring. This is one of the most important principles of chinuch and perhaps important for all of us. It is especially valuable for our Elul spiritual inventory and spiritual upgrading.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and a successful Elul.

Parshas Re’ay (5770)


Parshas Re’ay (5770)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

In the Chazal we find the counterpart of Rashi’s quote, that those who kofer in avoda zara are modeh to the Torah. We are surrounded by infinite issues that present avoda zara tests. Do we attribute, chas v’shalom power to the doctor, the surgeon; do we have confidence for our financial needs in our business opportunities? By relating to these many tests that surround us in the proper way we are actually being kofer in avoda zara and exclaiming our belief in Torah.

All the blessings and klolos come from spiritual sources Above and are crystallized in our material world through special connections. A special zchus of being part of Klal Yisroel is that we get the wisdom and sight of this connection which is Har Grizim and Har Avol.

In these dark times before the coming of Moshiach, Hashem enables us to see Him even to a greater degree if we look and search.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and a successful Chodesh Elul to culminate in a Shana Tova.

Parshas Aikev (5770)


Parshas Aikev (5770)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Rashi (10:1) enlightens us that although Moshe was told to make his Aron for the luchos after receiving them, he understood that they had to be made prior so that he would have a place for them. The supreme lesson: we must never stop using our sechel. This was the aron that accompanied them to battle; symbolic for the greatest battle which is with the yetzer hara. We must always use our sechel.

Have wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Voeschanan (5770)


Parshas Voeschanan (5770)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

This parsha always comes out after Tisha B’Av which is very special time when we are given unique spiritual gifts to recreate, grow and reach great heights. The parsha is a tremendous source of inspiration for this, filled with all the great foundations. One important priority of growth is in ahavas yisroel, taking special care not to hurt others. A second great priority is the learning and growth in Torah, which is for all Klal Yisroel.

We should be zocheh to see the geula sh’layma with the coming of Moshiach Tzidkainu bekorov. Hope for it. Hope for it. Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Devorim (5770)


Parshas Devorim (5770)

The conventional explanation of Chazal that the Bais HaMikdash was destroyed because of ‘sinas chinam’ is a concept of punishment. A unique and deeper explanation is that the Ahavas Yisroel factor which is the positive of sinas chinam is a necessary ingredient for the existence of the Bais HaMikdash and its absence which is sinas chinam actually abolishes the pillars which are crucially needed.

Looking into this even more deeply in order to achieve true ahavas yisroel one much attribute and recognize that all that one is a recipient of from one’s fellow man is really from Hashem. Also, the ability to look away from the differences that exist between us can be achieved by focusing on the nishmas Elokim of our fellow man, which is common to all of us. Both of these factors of recognizing Elokus brings the Shchinah and structure to the Bais HaMikdash.

Hashem give us the strength to stand up to this difficult test and we should see the speedy rebuilding of the House of Hashem in our days.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Haazeenu (5770)


Parshas Haazeenu (5770)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Rashi (32:10) explains that we faithfully committed ourselves to the Torah; to be loyal subjects under His royal kingdom, to commit ourselves to be under a serious, responsible submission. We were created with the instinct to be under a yoke—to be under a true Higher power–malchus—and be of a true ideal—Torah.

Have a wonderful, fulfilling first Shabbos and all the blessings of a gmar chasimah tova.