Parshas Ha’azinu — Shabbos Shuva (5767)


Parshas Ha’azinu — Shabbos Shuva (5767)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

How inspiring! The first Shabbos of 5767 and Shabbos Shuva, designated for returning to Hashem and for repentance.

The Medrash (10:1) relates the phenomenon of the multitudes attraction to a specific individual as a source of learning Torah from him, is a direct correlation of that individual’s own attentiveness to his own Torah mentor.

So deep and rich with implication; our own sincere significant spiritual input brings concrete related substantial positive consequences.

Have a wonderful, uplifting and inspirational Shabbos and a g’mar chasima tova.

Parshas Ki Savo (5766)


Parshas Ki Savo (5766)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

It is imperative to appeal for Divine assistance for understanding and having the true insight as to what is expected of us in this present period of time, for our Chodesh Elul avoda, in preparation for Rosh Hashana. The fact that this constantly changes is one of the most important foundations of life.

To a large degree we are judged on our general principles, goals and values. This can be the thought behind the Medrash in our sedra that for the reward of attending the Bais Medrash in this world, you will be rewarded to do so in Olam Haba. Teshuva shouts our value system and therefore has unique significance in Elul.

Have a wonderful Shabbos, a successful Elul and a wonderful New Year.

Parshas Shoftim (5766)


Parshas Shoftim (5766)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Shoftim V’Shotrim; Shoftim is a clarity in the exact manifestation of the truth. Shotrim is the practical realization in carrying out and applying. Here we are in an extremely unique time in respect to the Creation and the history of the world at large. We must appeal and cry to Hashem to enlighten us as to what exactly He expects of us and this very special time.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and enlightening Chodesh.

Parshas Re’ay (5766)


Parshas Re’ay (5766)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Very appropro is parshas Re’ay for this Shabbos mevorchim which sheds its bracha on Elul, which shed its bracha on Rosh Hashana and the year of 5767 habo aleinu litova. Re’ay in its pure simplicity is the key to everything. The Medrash in our parsha (4:4) alludes to the invisible multitude of harmful creatures that constantly surround us.

Parshas Eikev (5766)


Parshas Eikev (5766)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

The Medrash (3:5) in our parsha cites an episode of R’ Shimon ben Shetach with an extreme example of monetary consideration and concern regarding a gentile. It opens our eyes to the trust we should have in Hashem–that we can surely rely on Him for His promises for reward.

One way of understanding this is that the only way R’ Shimon ben Shetach could have had this character and behavior is that he had the nefesh Elokis within him.

A new insight might be that Hashem implanted this behavior of extreme consideration in humans to demonstrate to us to observe a concrete perception of this behavior in order to attribute it likewise to Hashem.

Every day let us be mispalel and learn for the zechus of the extremely dangerous matzav Klal Yisroel is going through presently.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Voeschanan (5766)


Parshas Voeschanan (5766)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The most important and significant of the Tisha B’Av Kinos is number eleven and it starts “Eicha Eli Konenu Me’ailav” ordained by Yirmiyahu HaNavi himself, lamenting the passing of Yoshiyahu HaMelech who fell into the hands of the Egyptian king Pharoh Necho while attempting to prevent him from passing through Eretz Yisroel. Yoshiyahu had successfully turned Klal Yisroel to HASHEM with inspiration compatible to Moshe Rabeinu. This teshuva truly merited victory over Pharoh Necho he reasoned. However, he got a red light from Yirmiyahu HaNavi, not knowing that secret pockets of avoda zara were hidden from him. The Navi said no.

Yoshiyahu wanted so much to make a Kiddush Hashem and demonstrate that the great teshuva would bring a huge victory. But the Navi said no. What a tragedy. Had this great king lived he could have saved Klal Yisroel from the Churban if he had he listened to the Navi. We must always obey our leaders.

Our Tisha B’Av tears, present and throughout the generations, of yearning for the Bais HaMikdash and the geula, helped to repair the damage of the uncalled for tears at the warped report of the spies.
On Shabbos our avoda of the week goes up. Our cries and tears should arise and bring the geula sh’layma.

We should “hold on” to the elevation we achieved during this inspiring period of the three weeks and not lose it through vacation and light-hearted levity. It should inspire our Elul to bring hatzala and yeshua to all Klal Yisroel

Have a wonderful Shabbos Nachamu.

Parshas Devorim (5766)


Parshas Devorim (5766)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

We are now living in the period the Chumash refers to as having the “lev even”, the heart of stone, which we can all testify to. It is essential to recognize this in order not to be broken and feel helpless that our capabilities to relate to the Churban are beyond our emotions. Likewise, the suffering of our forefathers at the hands of the crusaders and other gentile viciousness throughout the generations, including the recent holocaust, and the current suffering in northern Eretz Yisroel.

The epitome of the contrast of this we find in a Medrash in our parsha that Moshe Rabeinu at the ‘maaseh aigel’ in order to alleviate the guilt of Klal Yisroel, exclaims to Hashem that He now has at His accessability the aigel to help Him with His various chores of keeping up the world, trying to give the false impression that he, too, was guilty of attributing power to the aigel. Moshe Rabeinu tried to give the impression that he was a heretic, for the sake of Klal Yisroel!!

The Medrash relates that Moshe was healed from his speech defect by his connection with the Torah. This is because the Torah is a source of life to the whole creation and therefore rectifies and rejuvenates any defects. This is surely a period of history when we should cling to the Torah.

Have a meaningful Tisha B’Av however it will manifest itself this year, a wonderful Shabbos, and salvation for all.

Parshas Haazinu (5766)


Parshas Haazinu (5766)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Our sedra begins with Moshe Rabeinu’s request of the heaven and earth to testify to Clal Yisroel’s commitment to the Torah. This means that any deviation will be realized by an obvious reaction of the natural phenomenon!!!

Yom Kippur inspires us not to fall into deviations of the Will of Hashem, which is so prevalent around us. Hashem listens to our prayers; cry to Him for Divine assistance to do and yearn only for which is right.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and wonderful year.

Parshas Vayelec (5766)


Parshas Vayelec (5766)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

Why did Moshe Rabeinu select for his farewell address the issue of having bitachon in Hashem, in the course of the conquering of Eretz Yisroel from the nations?

Belief in Hashem is the most basic important concept; bitachon is its actual application in real life. It is therefore appropo for Moshe Rabeinu to address this very significant issue.

It is likewise meaningful for these significant ten days of teshuva to have the realization that the sole source of everything that we have or aspire to is Hashem.

Have a wonderful, meaningful Shabbos Shuva.

Parshas Nitzavim (5765)


Parshas Nitzavim (5765)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The fool says it is impossible to complete the entire Torah material and he gives up (medrash 8:3). The clever one will concentrate on what is before him to study and will eventually complete everything. This concept is consistently true throughout our whole Torah commitment. Just focus on your immediate obligation and fulfill the Will of Hashem. What a dynamic and significant lesson for the completion of this year and our aspirations for the future.

Have a wonderful, significant Shabbos and a blessed year for yourselves and all Clal Yisroel.