Parshas Devorim (5763)


Parshas Devorim (5763)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

The Medrash (1:21) in our parsha gives us a clarity and understanding why the black cloud of mourning is lifted on this Shabbos. Shabbos is compared to a king and queen in a private, intimate meeting which is above the churban. This also rejuvenates our appreciation of the Shabbos.

Hashem should overhaul these days of sadness and mourning to happiness through the geula sh’layma.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Zos HaBracha-Simchas Torah (5763)


Zos HaBracha-Simchas Torah (5763)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

“Vizorach Misaier Lamo”—Rashi quotes the Chazal of the offer from Hashem to bnei Esav and Yishmael for the Torah and their refusal.  Elsewhere is explained their objections were the commandments against murder and theft.  R’ Chayim Volozhin sharply points out that it wasn’t just a cold refusal but rather these commandments interfered with their respective means of livelihood.  He then points out how much care must be taken on our part not to be negligent in our obligations to the Torah with the rationalization that it is interfering with our parnassa, for it would chas v’shalom echo the voices of Yishmael and Esav.

This is a very timely message for the time that we are rejoicing with the Torah.

Have a lovely Shabbos, a joyous Yom Tov and a wonderful year.

Parshas HaaZinu — Shabbos Shuva (5763)


Parshas HaaZinu — Shabbos Shuva (5763)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

The major theme of our parsha is deriving spiritual strength and inspiration from lessons learned by observing aspects of the world. We find consistently that a chizuk, the strengthening of emuna brings a kaporas avonos (atonement of sins) with tshuva (repentance).

Following the chizuk of the Malchus Shomayim of Rosh HaShanah the first Shabbos of the year; Shabbos which is likewise a chizuk of emuna of the creation of the world by Hashem, certainly should have special attributes of atonement and certainly deserves the name of Shabbos Shuva.

Have a wonderful first Shabbos and a G’Mar Chasima Tova.

Parshas Nitzavim – Vayelech (5762)


Parshas Nitzavim – Vayelech (5762)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

We reach the last lap of the year with our final week of preparation for Rosh HaShana. The opening words of the parsha are relevant and inspiring in an awesome way. “Atem Nitzavim HaYom ….. lifnei Hashem”.

Our main service on Rosh Hashana is to focus on the Kingdom of Hashem and the absolute submission to His rule. We are living in an era that the vision of the reality of the presence of Hashem in the world is hazy and foggy. “Atem nitzavim…lifnei….” Let’s use this week for the opportunity to lift this fog and to toil in getting ourselves to actually feel that we are standing before Hashem.

Rosh Hashana is the opportunity to bring correction, an absolute straightening and rectification for anything that needs salvation, for ourselves, our families, Clal Yisroel and the world. “Vayelech”—we shall go on and see this fulfillment.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and a wonderful year for all.

Parshas Ki Savo (5762)


Parshas Ki Savo (5762)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

As we grow closer to Rosh Hashana we can see the Hashgacha Pratis in the relevance of the parshas hashavua to the vibes of the times. The greatest foundation of our Torah and relationship to Hashem is gratitude which is so clearly pronounced in our Sedra. The essence of our bond to Hashem is that He is our best friend. During this period of Elul when the main focus on Hashem is His kingship and sovereignty over the universe it is especially essential to likewise bear in mind the constant display of love, concern and devotion Hashem bestows upon us. In this perspective it is clear what Hillel claimed was THE MOST IMPORTANT DICTUM IN THE TORAH was not to do to your friend what is objectionable to you, and that “friend” Rashi explains is Hashem.

The mitzvah of the blowing of the shofar has an awesome influence over the determination of the events for the coming year. It is crucial and critical to prepare adequately and accordingly. Familiarize yourself with the halachic significance of the various sounds by learning the halachic structure and framework. Broaden your insight to the spiritual significance of the blowing by studying, for example, the ten reasons for blowing listed by R’ Saadia Gaon which can be found in many ‘machzorim’. Also….

Have a wonderful (Shabbos) week and an even more wonderful year.

Parshas Shoftim – Ki Saitzai – Elul (5762)


Parshas Shoftim – Ki Saitzai – Elul (5762)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

The parsha of Ki Saitzai begins and ends with going out to war. The greatest and most significant battle we have is with the yetzer hara which encompasses every area of avodas HaShem and accounts for the tremendous variety and range of mitzvos our sedra contains.

Parshas Shoftim contains the imposing of authority over the people with a “stick and strap”. This represents the exterior motivation and incentive. This is the time of year that we harness the Shoftim aspect of our personality and character by making self-imposed restrictions and taking upon ourselves stringencies. Besides the concept of tshuva another concept explaining this Elul mentality is that we have special Divine assistance to free us from being bound by the heavy chains of the yetzer hara manifested in consistent transgressions or constant lack of ability to actuate the reality of true fulfillment of the mitzvos. The strength and the ability to accomplish this in Elul is the special closeness that Hashem makes available to us, expressed so beautifully in “Ani Ledodi V’dodi Li”.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and a successful Elul.

Parshas Re’ey (5762)


Parshas Re’ey (5762)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

This is the week of mivorchim chodesh Elul. Rav Miller zt”l always related to us that in the market places of Jewish communities one was able to perceive the fear of yamim noraim. On the Shabbos of mevorchim hachodesh we receive a blessing for the month. And this month we receive a blessing for Rosh Hashana and subsequently for the whole year. We now can begin to understand the importance of this Shabbos.

The name of the parsha very significantly is Re’ey—to see. There are multitudes of matters that we can actually “see” but we have to be inspired to search and find.

Have a good search, a good Shabbos and a good year.

Parshas Eikev (5762)


Parshas Eikev (5762)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

The period we are now going through following the mourning of the destruction of the Bais HaMikdash is a very special time. It is a time for great inspiration for rebuilding and searching for spiritual breaches that need to be rectified. We are presently given special Divine assistance and gifts to accomplish this. The July-August vacation syndrome and the post Tisha B’Av until Elul slot for others, dampens the spiritual reality of this precious time. How terribly unfortunate! One can easily see how the parshios of the Torah that we have these precious weeks that deal with all the basic foundations of our faith confirm this rebuilding concept.

There is a beautiful Medrash in our sedra (2:37) that says that we can fortify our faith in Hashem’s loyalty to us from great acts of outstanding humans. Some would explain this by saying that if a human can be so loyal and lofty surely Hashem can. I would venture to say that at times we can see much marvelous virtues in a human which can only be explained by saying that we are witnessing the Divine soul planted within us.

We are living in a very low, corrupt, perverted culture and society. Let’s use the Divinity within us to rise above it.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Voeschanan (5762)


Parshas Voeschanan (5762)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

In our parsha (6:4) we have a foundation of our whole faith and everything we stand for crystallized in a statement which was on the lips of multitudes of our brethren as they gave their lives for the glory of Hashem—”Shma Yisroel”. You would think that it deserves the utmost of fanfare, the epitome of spotlight and attention, the declaration of the foundation of foundations of our nation. The awesome lesson is that the kernel of truth, the greatest declaration of our belief is mentioned without the slightest hint of its awesome significance. The lesson is that the greatest truths are hidden. Shma Yisroel should be given a parsha for itself. “Alma DiShikra”—the world of hidden truth. Anyone so inspired to find the truth and devoted to finding the essence of our existence must disengage himself from popular mentality and search, and beg Hashem to show him the truth. This is the beginning of rectifying the Churban.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Devorim (5762)


Parshas Devorim (5762)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Our sedra Devorim is one of rebuke and the period of time over the mourning of the churban is also a time of rebuke. This is a period that inspires us to teshuva.

Our greatest yearning and prayer to Hashem is that He should reveal to us what His will is and that we should have the strength to fulfill it.

As we are living through the time of the darkest point of the galus we should also be worthy to see speedily in our days the redemption.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.