Parshas Naso (5765)


Parshas Naso (5765)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The Medrash in our sedra (7:4) relates that the magnificent miracle that the “mon” was completely absorbed in their bodies was met with ridicule and those guilty of this were punished.

It is shocking that such a superb blessing could be so twisted and unappreciated. This is an enlightening lesson for us to the dangers of how in our own lives one can act with animosity and resentment towards many of Hashem’s blessings and extraordinary gifts instead of with great joy and gratitude.

This is an important part of the Shavuos celebration; appreciating the great gift of Torah.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and a joyous, meaningful Chag Shavuos.

Parshas Bamidbar (5765)


Parshas Bamidbar (5765)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The exact placement of the encampment of Clal Yisrael was from Hashem. Each shevet was positioned according to Divine plan yet we find regarding the Korach incident the rule of “oi l’rasha oi lishchenu”—woe to the wicked and his neighbor applies to him and his followers. This, despite the fact that the close proximity was Divinely inspired and planned. The test was to overcome the negative influence and they were placed there precisely to stand up to this. We see the rule of “oi l’rasha oi lishchenu” doesn’t necessary call for evacuation as it was obviously impossible here.

We are often placed in situations and locations that are potentially spiritually not beneficial and our test is to be educated to the best of our ability to the essence of the wrongs, fallacies, depravities and idiosyncrasies in order to inoculate ourselves, our offspring, and all under our influence to be elevated and withstand the foul winds.

In the previous generation many fell and many succeeded. Let’s work and pray that we succeed in our generation.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and a good Chodesh.

Parshas Vayikra – Zachor (5765)


Parshas Vayikra – Zachor (5765)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

Rashi quotes the Chazal that Hashem addresses Moshe with “Vayikra” expressing love to the contrast of addressing the impure, defiled prophets of the nations using “Vayiker” which applies negativity.  Here we see the difference in one letter, the lowest number, which according to our tradition the aleph is written in a very small manner.  The word expressing the extreme opposite of love could have been from a completely different root.  The very obvious lesson is that the difference between extreme love and the opposite can be extremely small and delicate.  It can be manifested in a different sentence, a word, or even the expression on our face or tone of voice.  The Heavenly court demands our sensitivity to this. Perhaps the essence of Amalek is the denial of this sensitivity which could be an interpretation of what the Chumash attributes to Amalek—”Asher Korcha Baderech”—from the root of “Vayiker”.  This is a reflection of their grand ancestor “Esav” who despite the respect he displayed for his father Yitzchok, he spoke to him and communicated with him in a coarse, degrading manner.

Bring joy with your communications and bracha to yourself and Clal Yisroel.

Parshas Bechukosai (5765)


Parshas Bechukosai (5765)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Rashi explains at the beginning of our parsha what is required of us for which the reward and punishment is laid out.  It is an absolute commitment to extreme toiling in studying and understanding our Torah.  This is expected of all Clal Yisrael from the greatest scholars to the simplist among us.  How much effort much be invested for this to be implanted in us in order to realized in a practical actuality.  Indeed this was the mentality and our way of life throughout the generations.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Behar (5765)


Parshas Behar (5765)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

Shmita was chosen to reveal the lesson of Sinai as Rashi quotes at the beginning of our parsha.  Since agriculture was the mainstay of our economical existence it can be fulfilled only through complete self-sacrifice–thus Hashem expected absolute commitment.  So too the fulfillment, accomplishment and realization of doing the true Will of Hashem involves complete devotion and self-sacrifice.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Acharai – Shabbos HaGadol – Erev Pesach (5765)


Parshas Acharai – Shabbos HaGadol – Erev Pesach (5765)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The sons of Aharon were punished for something for which the commandment was not yet given.  It was because they understood themselves that it shouldn’t have been done.  We are held responsible for all we comprehend on our own which is right or wrong.

This is perhaps the most important Shabbos of the year.  We receive spiritual gifts of understanding (hashpaos) for Pesach since it occurs in this week, which is the foundation of everything.  Perhaps this is the reason it is called Shabbos HaGadol.

Use every moment of Pesach for the purpose that it was given which is to grow and be inspired in Emuna.

Chag Kasher V’Sameach and have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Metzora (5765)


Parshas Metzora (5765)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Chag HaPesach is our greatest source of spiritual nourishment for the year.  To derive the necessary benefit we must use this last week to prepare by studying the halachos and the medrashim about yetzias mitzrayim.

Parshas Metzora is very appropo since Moshe Rabeinu proclaimed “Ochain Nodah Hadovor”—the terrible affliction of the Egyptians upon us was attributed to the sin of Loshon Horah.  Likewise the Chazal enlightened us to the fact that the main cause of tzoraas is a result of loshon horah; lowering the esteem and causing any harm, physical or mental, or monetary loss to our fellow man.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Tazria – HaChodesh (5765)


Parshas Tazria – HaChodesh (5765)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The Kohain glances at the ‘negah’ and a week later must observe if the size has altered.  How nerve wracking to depend on the accuracy of his memory.  Maybe this is part of the ‘kapara’.

Shabbos HaChodesh; the obvious message is that from the beginning of the month we are showered from Heaven with chizuk and inspiration of the Yetzias Mitzrayim.  We also must use this period of time as a preparation for the great spiritual uplift of Chag HaPesach.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and a good Chodesh.

Parshas Shmini (5765)


Parshas Shmini (5765)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

How significant today is the Chazal (Medrash Rabba 13:5) of how the ‘chazir’ who doesn’t chew his cud but displays his split hooves, as if cunningly and falsely declaring his purity and holiness.  So much of the ideas and ideals of our modern day culture and society which are accepted, condoned and even praised is truthfully wicked.  No, the old hog hasn’t given up—beware!

After the refreshing and rejuvenating uplift of the Torah we just received on Purim, rejoice with its true beauty!

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Tzav – Purim (5765)


Parshas Tzav – Purim (5765)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

The Medrash in our parsha 9-7 calls out that only the korban todah is forever.  This proclaims the supremacy of gratitude.  The miracle of Purim came about through the gratitude that even Achashverosh had to Mordechai.  I hope that we get the point.

A frelichen Purim wherever you are and a wonderful Shabbos.