Parshas Shoftim (5764)


Parshas Shoftim (5764)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The dominant theme of our present period, Elul, is “Ani L’Dodi V’Dodi Li”; achieving closeness with Hashem. This a time Hashem makes Himself available and it is imperative to understand that this closeness is not something which comes about by passive good will. We must actively and aggressively seek this objective of achieving a true binding with Hashem. If we don’t make an extreme realistic effort we will surely not find time for this in our busy schedules. Either in our intensive Torah programs or other commitments; no time for Hashem. The only way is to designate a specific time for the Ribbono Shel Olam. Then we must know how to connect and to be sure that this is “the real thing”, not fantasies.

Wishing you all success and all the blessings that it brings.
Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Re’ey (5764)


Parshas Re’ey (5764)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Again we must pierce through the façade of August, the vacation season, that our solar calendar declares and connect and relate to the reality of Chodesh Elul which is upon us. Each of us must ask Hashem for special Divine assistance for the insight and understanding as to what exactly the particular demands that our individual spiritual needs call for, are, and for the strength to fulfill them.

It is tremendously helpful to always remember the Chazal in the Medrash of our parshas (4:5) that Hashem declares that no one ever loses out by following His commands.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and a wonderful month which will culminate in a Shana Tova.

Parshas Aikev (5764)


Parshas Aikev (5764)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Rashi in our parsha opens our eyes to the vulnerability and weakness of all of us; (11:16) by the slackening in the intensity of our learning of Torah, we immediately are subjected and open to the lowest spiritual degradations. How much we must constantly cry to Hashem for Divine assistance.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Vo’eschanan (5764)


Parshas Vo’eschanan (5764)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Our parsha is filled with an abundance of the foundations of our faith. After the greatest catastrophe of the churban Bais HaMikdash which we just commemorated, our parsha is very appropo since the only path of rebirth is reverting to the pure and accurate essence of our faith.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Devorim (5764)


Parshas Devorim (5764)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The Medrash in our parsha (1:9) stating that we see a bracha for accepting “tochacha” can be understood superficially as a recompensation for the negative feelings that usually accompany rebuke. For a deeper understanding of this we find the most puzzling phenomenon that Yaakov Avinu reserved his tochacha for his sons for his final moments of life for fear that they would desert him in favor of joining the ranks of Esav as a result of his rebuke. It is a most uncomprehensible fact; humans refuse to accept rebuke. They justify themselves, redeem themselves, and rebel. If one manages to accept tochahca he certainly deserves a bracha for a reward. We must cry our hearts out to Hashem to open our hearts to receive rebuke and enlightenment and we will surely receive all the brachos. We should merit to see the great redemption and have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Matos – Masai (5764)


Parshas Matos – Masai (5764)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

In our parsha we find in regard to nedarim, women under the jurisdiction of their fathers or husbands. Beside the dry, technical aspect of this halacha, there is an obvious statement of the Torah outlook in regard to a very basic issue; the role of a woman in relationship to her husband and father.

Nowhere in the world do we find the female elevated, respected and held in the highest esteem more than in the Torah ideology. When the world was still degrading and holding women in the lowest esteem we accepted women to fill the role of the highest prophets and judges. Yet the Torah teaches us loud and clear that the husband has the role in the home as the “leader”. The woman is held in the highest esteem for her unique traits especially the extra wisdom her has. But the husband is the leader.

How significant this lesson is to us in this point of history when in our civilization the rebellion of womanhood has been totally accepted. (The supremacy of the father and husband is one of the greatest sins and atrocities that the middle-east cultures are accused of). This terrible darkness has even infiltrated the ranks of the shomrei Torah u’mitzvos and is largely responsible for the breakdown of our society. Our Parsha should be an inspiration and guidance of the truth.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Pinchas (5764)


Parshas Pinchas (5764)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

The essence of putting into practice the attribute of sholom is the ability to deal with and relate to the complete range of personality and character types and categories. This is despite the seeming limitations and obstacles due to our own traits. All the demands that are made on us in our human relationships likewise apply to our relationship with Hashem. Hillel crystallized the whole Torah and avodas Hashem—Don’t do your friend that which is objectionable and abominable to yourself; and Rashi explains that this “friend” is Hashem. It would be greatly commendable if we were able to relate to Hashem at least as a good friend. Just as it is an act of greatness to relate to each human and tune in to his specific mentality likewise one must practice this towards Hashem. It was because of the unique greatness of Pinchas in this area that he, and he alone, comprehended that Hashem’s “inner” Will was that an open act of vengeance was in place to demonstrate the extreme, Divine disapproval. Understandably he was then blessed with sholom. This is a supreme and inspiring living example for us to constantly yearn to have a revelation to what Hashem wants from us.

Have a wonderful week!

Parshas Balak (5764)


Parshas Balak (5764)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

In our parsha when Bilaam finally came forth with brachos for Clal Yisroel it states as follows: Mah Tovu Oholecha Yaakov–focusing on the great attribute of carefulness and concern on the issue of modesty and tznius. This is a matter for which we need fortification, support and inspiration during these dark times; a generation of degeneration in these matters. We are living in a time of tremendous breakdown of values of modesty. On one hand one might find this depressing, but on the other hand the opportunity for accomplishment is infinite.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Chukas (5764)


Parshas Chukas (5764)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

Our Medrash 19:13 quotes the Chazal which is one of our greatest foundations and principles. “Dayah chasarta mah konisa, Dayah konisa mah chasarta”. If we acquire what Rav Miller calls true knowledge we have everything and without this we have nothing. True knowledge is programming into our nervous system and reality our true values.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Korach (5764)


Parshas Korach (5764)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Korach was faced with a mountainous ordeal and humongous undertaking in his crusade to persuade and brainwash even the Sanhedrin and outstanding members of Clal Yisroel to join in his machlokes. The awesome tool he had in his arsenal for this tragic accomplishment was with “meshicha b’dvorim rakim”; persuasion through soft words (Medrash 12:2). What a powerful message and lesson for us, to harness this potent tool for good purposes.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and Chodesh—may it be a month of yeshuos for all.