Parshas Shlach (5764)


Parshas Shlach (5764)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

In our sedra the meraglim are quoted saying that they felt like grasshoppers in the presence of the Cnanim and likewise that is how they appeared to them (13:33). The Medrash (16:11) relates that Hashem was willing to ignore, overlook and excuse the first part of the perspective of how they felt that they appeared but the second part of their image in the eyes of the Cnaanim was unforgivable. How were they supposed to know how they appeared; this doesn’t make sense. Hashem demands of us to be logical and make sense. He overlooks so many of our weaknesses but is very stringent about making sense. This should be a great source of awakening to us about many issues.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Behaaloscha (5764)


Parshas Behaaloscha (5764)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

In the Medrash Rabba in our parsha (15:14) we find that those that have the attribute of “fear of Hashem” will eventually be rewarded with kingship. This is generally interpreted as type of reward. Perhaps a greater insight into the connection is that if one can “break through” his materialistic surroundings and feel the presence of Hashem he has accomplished something which is demanded of a person who has the responsibility of kingship. Secondly, one who can practice self-control over his own faculties deserves to be in charge and control over the masses to further the cause of the glory of Hashem.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Naso (5764)


Parshas Naso (5764)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

The obvious question in the parsha of Sota in our parsha 5:28 is that if the suspected woman was cleared of guilt why should she be blessed by the waters. If we delve deep into the heart and feelings of this woman the fact that she was falsely accused creates such heartache that makes her deserving of this great award. Beware—feelings are everywhere.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Bamidbar (5764)


Parshas Bamidbar (5764)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

The Medrash 1:7 explains that the Torah was given in fire, water and the desert to teach us that just as these are readily available so too, Torah. However, we must bear in mind that because of its availability it can lose its value. Our most precious commodity is air yet it is the least appreciated because of its availability.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and a guten Chodesh.

Parshas Vaychi (5764)


Parshas Vaychi (5764)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

A pasuk in our parsha together with the explanation of Rashi declare clearly an important principle that many are not sure of.  (50:19) Yosef  said to his brothers not to fear “Ki sachas Elokim oni”—and Rashi explains that even if I wanted to harm you I have no power to do it.  Many are under the false impression that a human, since he is a baal bechira has the power to harm another human and here we see clearly that this principle is incorrect.

We should merit to witness the realization of the brachos of Yaakov Avinu and the coming of Mashiach speedily.  Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Vayigash (5764)


Parshas Vayigash (5764)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

In our sedra we find one of the most dramatic episodes in history—Yosef’s revelation to his brothers.  We must understand what aspect of Yehuda’s speech signaled Yosef to make this revelation.  There doesn’t seem anything significant in Yehuda’s address that should prompt this.

In his speech Yehuda went through the epitome of simplicity step by step of what had occurred.  As simple as this sounds, it reflects a clarity of the mind and true intellectual control.  This was Yosef’s signal that the time was ripe and right.  The brothers were free at last from the perversion of the mind that prevented them from seeing the truth of the greatness of Yosef and its implications.

Hashem should bless us all with clarity of mind to see the truth.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Lech Lecha (5764)


Parshas Lech Lecha (5764)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Avraham Avinu the founder of Clal Yisroel and the personification of what we stand for had sensitivity for the contemporary spiritual needs and was not bound by conventionalism.  As a nation—stand for ideals of truth; as a Torah loyal group within the nation—be sensitive to the specific needs of the truth; and within the Torah loyal group—be sensitive to its special needs.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Noach (5764)


Parshas Noach (5764)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

That Hashem selected the element of water as a means of retribution to the wicked generation of the Mabul is noteworthy.  R’ Chayim Vital explains that the element of water is the source of all lusts.  The Divine selection of water is a sign that the root of the wickedness was the lack of control of material desires.

We now have a unique insight to why the waters of the Yam Suf parted in the merit of Yosef HaTzaddik, since he excelled in his superb control over his lust.  Often, the overindulgence in lust blinds us to what would be obvious spiritual insights.  We should all be inspired to strive for this control and have the utmost of success.

Have a wonderful week.

Parshas Bereishis (5764)


Parshas Bereishis (5764)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

The underlying message we see in Rashi from the beginning of the parsha which is an introduction to the whole Chumash is that we have no comprehension of the text without the accompanying Torah Shebe-al peh.  All the brachos of the Chag together with the blessings of Shabbos Mevorchim should bring a wonderful month for you all and for all KLal Yisroel.

Parshas Nitzavim – Vayelech (5763)


Parshas Nitzavim – Vayelech (5763)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

We are at the last lap before Rosh Hashana. The goal on Rosh Hashana is to relate to Hashem as the Sovereign King ruling over the entire universe. This in itself is a difficult task since Hashem is not tangible. Even more so, living in an era that we have no real manifestation of a true kingdom to relate to makes this seemingly impossible.

Perhaps the malchus of Hashem can be realized through the contemporary scientific discovery that all matter is just energy with no intrinsic significance. Shifting or removal of this energy can alter or remove anything and everything. This is the most realistic, actual insight and understanding of real malchus, that only Hashem’s “energy” is upholding and controlling the whole universe. This is most likely the true, inner meaning and explanation of how the pasuk that we say in Musaf Rosh Hashana in malchios “Shma Yisroel Hashem Elokainu Hashem Echad”—declares the kingdom of Hashem.

Rosh Hashana is the time everything can change and improve for the better and best. Through the medium of the shofar this is most efficiently accomplished. The sound of the tekiah is a majestic proclamation of the Kingdom of Hashem. The teruah, shvarim and shvarim-teruah are crying sounds, with which we should cry and appeal for redemption from the many tragic situations Clal Yisroel is going through.

Any “spare time” on Rosh Hashana should be used for Torah study which is our biggest zechus. Best wishes for a wonderful year in every way for all of you and all Clal Yisroel.