Parshas MiKaitz


Parshas MiKaitz (5777)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

42:9–The brothers come innocently and Yosef attacks them suddenly, no sense, no logic. “No sir, no sir, we certainly didn’t”. They could have said you are making no sense, if their minds were straight they would have said it, Yosef was waiting, and Yosef would have dealt differently. The cause of everything (all the past troubles)was not thinking straight and Yoef was hoping for a change. The deepest of deepest, think straight.

Have a wonderful, meaningful Shabbos, inspiring Chanukah and a wonderful Chodesh in every way.

Shabbos Chanukah 5777:
The Yevanim were wicked and tried to devastate.

Hashem loves us and thinks of us always in all ways and He wants it reciprocal. The Chashmonaim and Klal Yisroel showed it and Hashem made Chanukah.
Have an inspiring, uplifting and meaningful Chanukah.

Parshas Vayeshev


Parshas Vayeshev 5777
by Mordechai Dolinsky

39:6 The true root of Yosef’s awesome ordeal that he endured with aishes Potifar was the result of the lack of keeping in his conscious mind the suffering that his father was enduring and connecting with it. It would be correct to say that with that tsaar he would have paid in full for the anguish he had to endure with that ordeal.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Vayishlach 5777


Parshas Vayishlach 5777
by Mordechai Dolinsky

After Yaakov had the victorious encounter with the Malach he gained through this the recognition that Yitzchok’s brachos were his rightfully. The great difficulty here very obviously is –what does one have to do with the other–the victory and the brachos. What took place in this battle of Yaakov and Esav we can probably explain –Esav for sure had some very positive traits that he worked on the acquire and these were crystallized in his Malach. Yaakov had his traits that he worked on for years to perfect. In the battle they were matched up from the depths of their souls, the kochos of their souls. After the victory Yaakov had no need for anything to be done underhanded. Yaakov goes and says Avi Yitzchok –it was let known that you felt that Esav deserved the brachos for certain traits, I wish to show you and I’m sure you’ll agree that I am the one that should be the recipient of the brachos and Yitzchok surely would agree.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Todlos 5777


Parshas Toldos (5777)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

There is something in the episode of Rivka’s orchestrating the brachos going to Yaakov that changes the whole perspective of this historical event and is unnoticed. 27:4/7..When Rivka repeats to Yaakov the request of Yitzchok Avinu to Esav she inserted “vaavorcha lifnei Hashem”. Rashi explains “birshusi sheyaskim al yadi”. However Rivka knew that these words were there, it meant that the brachos were on the condition only with the Will and agreement of Hashem. Rivka obviously understood that the brachos going to Esav was not His Will. As it turns out the direction of the brachos to Yaakofv wasn’t a necessary Shem Shomayim deceit rather an absolute fulfillment of Yitzhok’s true will. This is an amazing enlightenment on this critical, historical episode that affected the history of Klal Yisroel and the whole world. I thank Hashem for this insight.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Chayei Sara


Parshas Chayei Sara (5777)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

24:32 So much to do over the feet dust from travel, we find it was even an avoda zara.

Perhaps just as Peor was a misplace recognition of the peleh of the creation, so, too, was a recognition of the great chesed for the added protection of the feet. Also, it was a sign of the miracles of he journey.

Always look for the Chasdai Hashem.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Lech Lecha


Parshas Lech Lecha 5777
by Mordechai Dolinsky

There is a tremendous and awesome, inspiring aspect of the parsha; Vayomer…el Avram lech lecha. Who is this Avram; what is special about him that he is worthy of the greatest gift and experience a human can experience–Vayomer Hashem el Avram. Not a single hint to any trait of something special. There are some nice things to say, like he was actually thrown into a burning furnace for the sake of Kiddush Hashem–but in the Chumash nothing. In a way he was the most important human in history. He made Klal Yisroel, the realization of the bearers of the Will of Hashem; Moshe Rabeinue, Maamad Har Sinai, is all an outcome. Hashem chose Avraham from a house of idol worshippers; a pure and honest heart. Lot, from this most glorious, inspirational house…what greatness he could have reached.

Rashi explains at the end of Parshas Noach that the pasuk gives an inaccurate impression that the father of Avraham passed on before he departed for Eretz Yisroel so that peopel should not think that Avraham was callous towards his father. What an important lesson–how much we must always be sensitive to project a Kiddush Hashem.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Noach


Parshas Noach 5777
By Mordechai Dolinsky

Why did the water rise above the highest nountains? The decree for destruction was for the whole existing world. The tumah of the aveiros did not call for just a punishment but complete annihilation. The taiva was above the world that was to be destroyed, it was hard for Noach to accept Hashem’s decree of complete destruction.

Hashem means business. Hashem means business. Let’s do teshuvah before Moshiach.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Bereishis


Parshas Bereishis (5777)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

1:2 The pasuk relates the Ruach HaShem hovers over the water and Rashi explains the Kisei Hakavod is suspended in the air “baruach piv”. This is obviously dealing with very deep matters. However if the Dhumash relates this awesome scene there must be some level of comprehension. The world at this stage of non-order and darkness Hashem is hovering qs if considering and contemplating the next move. An awesome lesson for us, sit back and think, consider.

Haqve a wonderful Shabbos and Good Chodesh.

Succos 5777


Succos 5777

The Succah is the pure of the pure personification, declaration, expression and exhibition of the awesome chessed ofr Hasehm to the millions of us in the Midbar, night and day for forty years. The foundation of our emunah and bitachon, Hashem loves us, thinks of us always, constantly and is in constant power and control creating the constant matzav.

In this memorial we are uniquely placing our whole body in the Succah, the only such mitzvah. Perhaps the real meaning and significance is that Hashem who loves us is taking us into his arms, embracing us with love. This explains that the succah is actually the Shchinah and the holiness of the Scach.

Have a significant and joyous Yom tov.