Parshas Behar (5771)


Parshas Behar (5771)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The yovail calls for the blowing of the shofar which is unique for Rosh Hashana. This calls out that the yovail is intrinsically connected with Malchus Shomayim. Many other areas of our avoda are likewise especially connected. Hashem should enlighten us to truly fulfill His Will.

Have an especially wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Emor (5771)


Parshas Emor (5771)

by Mordechai Dolinsky

In our sedra we have the parsha (23:23) of Rosh Hashana, mainly in one pasuk.  The most important day in our calendar, the time of the carnation of the Melech Olam, our commitment to the Kingdom of Hashem; the truth is indeed hidden.

We are living in a time externally speaking it seems to be a time of relative peace and plenty.   However, under the surface there is a need for tremendous rachmei Shomayim.  We should all be mispalel and work on improving all our deeds for zechusim and we should see the true redemption bikarov.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Kedoshim (5771)


Parshas Kedoshim (5771)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The ideal of kedusha is beautiful and inspiring but how do we reach this? Rashi share the secret at the beginning of the parshas — havei perushim min haarayos. We are living in an era of difficult tests in the are of arayos, with the morals in our environment in general at an all-time low and including our own strong Torah circles. This includes the lack of tznius in dress and even more so, the manner of behavior. The flip side of all this is the wonderful, grand opportunity for experiencing the great treasure of kedusha. Those of us that practice this appreciate and cherish this kedusha. Those of us that haven’t yet – taamu u’reu ki tov Hashem; allow yourselves the awesome pleasure and joys of connecting with Hashem, your Creator.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and a good Chodesh.

Parshas Acharai (5771)


Parshas Acharai (5771)

by Mordechai Dolinsky

The reverence of going into the Kodshei Kodshim is on account of the great intensity of the Shechina there.  Many issues came out from this including the guilt of the sons of Aharon.  It boils down to the realization of the awesome intensity the Creator of the world has to us and the true realization of this has infinite implications.

On Shabbos we receive the energy, power and tools that are needed for the week that follows.  Before us we have the night of 15 Nissan, the commemoration of the most open and clear demonstration of Hashem’s supreme control and Kingship.  This is the ultimate nourishment of the faith and belief we must live with to understand and fulfill His Will.  This Shabbos HaGadol is that awesome Shabbos.

Have a fulfilling, inspiring, joyous and wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Metzorah (5771)


Parshas Metzorah (5771)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The awesome golden treasure that was waiting to be revealed by the negah habayis was hidden there davka during the forty years of Klal Yisroel’s intensive dedicated learning of the Torah in the desert. This was to teach us that the learning of Torah brings for us the greatest materialistic blessings besides eternal reward.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Tazria (5771)


Parshas Tazria (5771)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Tumas halaida and tumas hatzoraas we don’t understand but everything in the Torah is given for us to learn from. We must attempt to learn some lesson.

Parshas HaChodesh; preparing for the awesome Pesach, reviewing the lessons of the makos and kriyas Yam Suf, learning the Hagaddah and halachos.

Mechikas Amalek—to deal with the irrationality we see in others and to be aware of the irrationality that we are guilty of.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Shmini (5771)


Parshas Shmini (5771)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

On Shabbos we “lift” the avoda of the week. One of the vital lessons of the Megilah is that there was no question that Esther being chosen by Achashveirosh was a great personal tragedy and one for Klal Yisroel. The solution could have been solved by allowing Bigsan and Seresh to do their “work” and eliminate the king, clean cut. Mordechai abstained because of the Will of Hashem that came through his siyata di”shmaya, the wisdom to relay the information to the king. He was repaid for his obedience that the whole salvation came about by the Hashgacha of the sleepless night and the book of zichronos. The lesson being how much we in these difficult times have to be obedient to our Torah leadership and pray to Hashem that we have the leaders.

There is an awesome chizuk in emuna from the parsha that we find in the Torah. The fact is that the Torah knows the only four animals that only have one sign of kashrus after the discovery of countless new specimens. Also the intricate insight to the animal’s anatomy which was understood by secular wisdom relatively recently. Thinking deeply into this is inspiring and enlightening.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Tzav – Zachor (5771)


Parshas Tzav-Zachor (5771)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The essence of Amalek has become so clear, obvious and over powering
in the present times. “Asher Korcha”—coldness; a callousness and lack of real personal connection to all our relationships. Timche es zecher Amalek—break the barriers and connect to all our Yiddishe neshamos.

Parshas Vayikra (5771)


Parshas Vayikra (5771)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Rashi (1:1) reveals the contrast of HASHEM’S warm and endearing communication to Moshe Rabeinu with the very negative means of communication to the gentile prophets. The idea of Hashem’s negative communication seems to be contrary to the ideal that one should always maintain a proper and positive communication as it says in Pirkei Avos: Al tihi boz l’chol Adam. With great scrutiny to the words of Rashi he actually says “nigla aleihem”; the manner of how He revealed Himself to them. “Aroi”—not something to His true interest; “tumah”—Hashem kavyachol felt Himself defiled by having to do so. This is to the contrast of Moshe Rabeinu the positivity expressed itself in the essence of introducing His revelation by a call of endearment. This changes the whole picture of the Chazal with the important lesson of how we express our interest in the relationship.

Have a wonderful and simchadike Shabbos.

Parshas Behar – Bechukosai (5770)


Parshas Behar – Bechukosai (5770)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Rashi explains in the first pasuk of Bechukosai – “Mitzvosai Tishmosru” is referring to fulfilling of the mitzvos, therefore bechukosai talaichu at the beginning of the pasuk is referring to the intensive toiling in Torah, delving into its depths.  We must understand what happened to the just simple studying of Torah for the learning of how to fulfill the mitzvos.  Perhaps we can understand this with an important principle from the Chasam Sofer.  The learning of Torah for the sake of information how to practice is actually part of the practice itself and not really considered the fulfillment of learning Torah for its own sake.

Bechuksai talaichu is a commandment for all of Klal Yisroel and not just for the special lomdai Torah and this puts a great responsibility on all of us.  Happy learning.

Have a good Shabbos.