Parshas Emor (5770)

Parshas Emor (5770)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The reason why the Torah distances the Kohanim from their close ones upon losing them, is because of the high level of closeness the Kohanim have to Hashem.

This closeness to Hashem is perhaps the most outstanding and significant ideal to Klal Yisroel.  This is perhaps the connecting point of the diversified issues in our parsha.

How important it is for us to work to keep the awareness of Hashem in our focus and consciousness always.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and a meaningful Lag B’Omer.

Parshas Tazria – Metzorah (5770)


Parshas Tazria – Metzorah (5770)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The tumah of tzoraas of the bayis is mentioned separately because it is a pure gift from Hashem as it brings with it the discovery of the treasures that were hidden within the secret confines of the house.  The other forms of tzoraas on the bodies and clothing is also a gift because everything from Hashem is a gift and for our benefit.  However there are certain gifts from Hashem that are openly and clearly apparent for our joy and pleasure.  How important it is for us to always recognize these special gifts from Hashem and to have the proper gratitude to Hashem that it deserves.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Tzav – Shabbos Ha Gadol (5770)


Parshas Tzav – Shabbos Ha Gadol (5770)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The first Rashi the parsha explains that tzav is an expression of ziruz; for immediate and future generations.  This week in the course of the lail haseder we all resemble in a way the Kohain in his avoda in the Bais Hamikdash.  It is imperative that we prepare ourselves these days intensively for the awesome avoda of the seder night.

In light of the shocking turmoil of the current events these days it is imperative to strengthen ourselves in emuna and bitachon which is the true avoda of the days of this month of Nissan anyway.

Hashem should protect us and we should see the ultimate redemption.

Have a wonderful, meaningful Shabbos and Chag Kasher V’Sameach.

Parshas Vayikra (5770)


Parshas Vayikra (5770)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

In the first Rashi of the parsha he relates of the negativity Hashem has when He connects to the gentile prophets.  As much as the Torah teaches the respect we must have for all members of the human race, we must keep a true perspective of the negative side of the goyim.

As we find in the Hagaddah—“Yachol may Rosh Chodesh”—the whole month of Nissan we must connect with the miracles of yetzias mitzrayim by studying the Hagaddah and reading the medrashim.

Have a wonderful, meaningful Shabbos.

Parshas Behar – Bechukosai (5769)


Parshas Behar – Bechukosai (5769)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

At the beginning of Bechukosai Rashi spells out the program for all Klal Yisroel; a total commitment for intensive, intellectual dedication and devotion to undertaking serious Torah study.  It is imperative to be aware that this is a directive for all.  Hashem’s expectation of Klal Yisroel is absolute, total involvement in serious Torah study.  It is important to comprehend that this image and mindset is what is expected of our nation just as Shabbos observance and Tefilin.  Likewise it is expected of all serious, intensive Torah study program.

We have the most to gain since Torah study straightens our minds and brings light and clarity to all our endeavors.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Emor (5769)


Parshas Emor (5769)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Because of the limitations placed on the Kohanim with regard to relating to their deceased relatives it seems it is a high level not to fall under the mourning of relationships.  Yet human sensitivity is always of the highest priority.  Perhaps once one feels the human closeness it is the highest priority but the level of closeness to Hashem required of the Kohanim should blot out that special human closeness, therefore not requiring the priority of the human relationship.

Parshas Tazria – Metzorah (5769)


Parshas Tazria – Metzorah (5769)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Our Shabbos arrives with a parsha with the most glorious, exciting phenomenon; birth.  This followed by its tumah and the issue of tzoraas, manifested on our bodies, clothing and dwelling.  Rosh Chodesh, a new page; a regeneration of history making material for the creation of renewal—history in the making.

All this with the mystifying secrets of the sefira of “gevura shebitiferes”.  Put it all together …. And have a wonderful Shabbos and marvelous Chodesh.

Parshas Shmini (5769)


Parshas Shmini (5769)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Every iota of the Creation calls out kavod shomayim.  Sometimes we are especially inspired by …
The “keres”, the largest first stomach, breaks down ingested materials by microbial action, which causes the food to rot and decay.  This is necessary in order to digest grass and hay, which are composed of cellulose, an otherwise indigestible material.  In a nursing calf, however, there is no need for the milk to undergo this extra step of digestion.  In fact, having the milk rot in the “keres” is undesirable.  To circumvent this problem when a calf nurses, it generates electrical stimulation to the reticular groove that causes it to harden and seal off the opening of the esophagus into the stomachs.  As a result, ingested food is prevented from continuing forward in the “keres” and is instead diverted through the reticulum (second stomach) and into the third stomach, which leads directedly to the “kaiva”, the fourth and final stomach.  This ingenious mechanism thus completely bypasses the first stomach of the nursing calf.

Absolutely awesome!  How are we better humans from this observation and how does this upgrade our avodas Hashem?  The maaleh gerah, the four stomachs allow the consummation of difficult grasses.  The splitting of the hooves brings the animal to these difficult places.  The sign of kashrus is that they must work together.  What is the lesson?\

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Tzav – Shabbos HaGadol (5769)


Parshas Tzav – Shabbos HaGadol (5769)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

What an awesome Shabbos we have before us – all the blessing of the week are contained in it and this is the week in which takes place the greatest revelation of the Creator; the epitome and the highest.

The name of the parsha “Tzav” is equally apropo.  The insight to Hashem’s revelation must not be sufficed by philosophical conclusions but must motivate and inspire us to “Tzav”  — to the absolute commitment and fulfillment of the Will of Hashem.  This is manifested in the realistic fulfillment of Torah and Mitzvos.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and Chag Kasher V’Sameach.