Parshas Vayikra


Parshas Vayikra
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Rashi at the beginnng of the parsha explains that many of the instances that Hashem is openly addressing Moshe and Aharon it is only Moshe who relates it to Aharon. Moshe relating is considered as coming from Hashem. The greatness of our leaders are on the highest of the highest level.

The commandment of the korban Pesach was given on Rosh Chodesh for then we already have the chizuk of emunah.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and Chodesh.

Parshas Vayakhail-Pekudei


38:22–the begiining of Pekudei Rashi brings that although Moshe’s instructions to Betzalel to first construct the vessels, Betzalel understood on his own that it was correct to first construct the Mishkan and afterwards the vessels; the minhag haolam is that first we build the house and then the contents. Although from a practical standpoint it was irrelevant in this case, but following the mihag haolam takes first priority. It is the great foundation of derech eretz. This is the idealism of how Hashem wants us to structure every aspect of our lives, even how to build a Mishkan.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and a month of redemption.

Parshas Mishpatim


Parshas Mishpatim (5775)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The mishpatim of Hashem, the Torah, are spiritual. 21:22—People are fighting and unintentionally injure an expectant woman causing her ti miscarry. What a tragedy. Why did this happen to them? They were originally engaged in assault, no respect for another human being. Hashem caused them to be responsible for the tragedy of the loss of the fetus.

The injuries of the eye or the tooth of an eved Canaani—for this he is freed. Ashreinu, mah tov chelkeinu.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and the blessings of a forthcoming wonderful and simchahdike Chodesh.

Parshas Toldos


Parshas Toldos (5775)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

27:1 Rashi brings a puzzling Chazal that Yitzchok’s lost sensitivity of his eyesight was caused by the tears of the Malachim crying at the thought of Yitzchok about to be shechted. Perhaps we can explain – Yitzchok was the future of Klal Yisroel and the akaida was about to sacrifice this. Yitzchok had a supreme clarity of emes. Nothing stands in the way of the Ratzon Hashem. The Malachim were weeping for Klal Yisroel—the metzius of Klal Yisroel. Yitzcho had a clarity and insight in the Ratzon Hashem. No questions. Not the slightest doubt. The Malachim had the question—those were the tears of the greatest Malachim—the Malachai Hashoress. And they had such anguish. This dulled his eyesight, the weakened the greatest clarity of the sharpness of the Ratzon Hashem, the emes of the emes. I f the Malachai Hashoress are having it hard to accept this weakened his perspective of emes and he lost his sensitivity to feel the negativity of Esav.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and Chodesh.

Parshas Chayei Sara


Parshas Chayei Sara (5775)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

In the episode of Avraham’s sending Eliezer with the awesome responsibility for Yitzchok, Eliezer is almost always referred to as the עבד (13 times). This is obviously very significant. Perhaps we can offer an explanation that the ordinary understanding of the whole episode in this extraordinary demonstration of the יד השם Eliezer played the role of a mere pawn, serving as a loyal servant that the ברכה of Avaham Avinu should come to a reality, but not having a deep, significant involvement. However, perhaps we can say that for Eliezer to be involved in such a meaningful role of the creation of Klal Yisroel and to merit to be the one to bring to reality the ברכה of Avraham Avinu he had to be on an extraordinarily high level of רוחניות. To request of השם ית’ Himself that He should make an open demonstration of the zivug of Yitzchok, this he could never accomplish with his own greatness; only through the supreme loftiness of Avraham Avinu. To be part of this he had to be on a level of complete התבטלות to Avraham; removing, putting down, and eradicating his own personal individuality. This we can say is the real significance of his being referred to constantly in the episode as עבד. He wasn’t just the יד of Avraham, he was like the body of Avraham.

In the parsha a number of times Eliezer is referred to as האיש. This can be explained that in his dealings with Lavan he had to reverse his role, to show strength, confidence and firmness against their attempts to sabotage.

Chazal tell us that after this episode he was no long ארור כנען but he became ברוך. The conventional understanding of this was that this was a reward. According to our new understanding of Eliezer’s role we can say he became ברוך as a result of his clinging and becoming one with Avraham.

Parshas Lech Lecha


Parshas Lech Lecha (5775)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

(15:5) Rashi: The greatest of greatest principles is quietly, subtley, with no glorification and the utmost of simplicity—ויוצא אותו החוצה—the second Medrash Rashi quotes. Hashem removed Avram from under the influence of the regular, conventional order of the world. He and his progenity forever are not longer subjected to the laws of nature. Sara and the Imahos give birth without the physical capability to do so. Yaakov doesn’t sleep for 14 years at the Yeshiva of Shem and Aver. Moshe Rabeinu doesn’t eat or sleep for 40 days. Klal Yisroel perishes and comes to life at Har Sinai; the Mohn, the Be’er, and all our history.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Noach


Parshas Noach (5775)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

(7:7) Noach only entered the taiva from the pressure of the storm; Noach had weak emunah. Noach, Noach, why didn’t you enter just to be sure, why stand outside even with your doubt? This year a new inspiration of this peleh. We think of the taiva as a five star hotel that Hashem designed for Noach, his family, and the animal world. The truth was that it was a horror house, a tremendous mesiras nefesh to go in with the wildlife and consistent mesiras nefesh to be there in every way. It was only because of the input of this mesiras nefesh to be together with and to take care of the wildlife that gave them the zechus to be preserved. And likewise it was only because of the extreme mesiras nefesh and difficulties that Noach and his family went through that gave them the gift to be the tool of Hashem to preserve mankind. Noach had to be on the highest madrega of yiras Shomayim to prevent the fierce animals from devouring him. A new perspective of the picture and Noach’s hesitation to enter and his great reward for doing so, can now be understood.

Have a wonderful, wonderful Shabbos and a hatzlachadike Chodesh to you all.

Parshas Bereishis


Parshas Bereishis (5775)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

(4:20/1) We find in these pesukim the forerunners, the inventors of tools of mankind which are mentioned as we see from Rashi puzzlingly in a negative light. Perhaps we can say the ideal of all mankind is to be a great human being. Derech Eretz kadmah l’Torah, and derech eretz kadmah to all ideals of mankind. The professions are just tools, ideals are to be an upright and outstanding human being.

Have a wonderful Shabbos Bereishis.