Parshas Naso


Parshas Naso (5772)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The parsha has a tremendous lesson. (6:2) Rashi– the placement of nazir following sotah tells us that having experienced the witnessing of a sotah incidence calls for keeping away from a drink that breaks down our guards against chastity.

The principle being having witnessed breakdown in any are is a sign for us to practice extra precautions. The lowness of our generation takes on for us a new awareness and an extra inspiration for caution.

Have a wonderful, inspiring Shabbos.

Parshas Bamidbar – erev Shavuos


Parshas Bamidbar – erev Shavuos (5772)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

It is wondrous that the pasuk expresses the counting of Bnai Yisroel (head count) when it really means shekalim as Rashi explains (1:2). The counting was a very complicated operation. On one hand the counting of individuals brought a plague and the deep secret really lies in the words of Rashi — l’gilgulosam–al yidai shekalim; the head count through shekalim. When deriving the numbers through shekalim one can simply transfer the knowledge of the number onto Klal Yisroel. However, Rashi tells us that the coins represent the head count of Klal Yisroel. The counting was an act of love of Bnai Yisroel and had to be done on the people but that could not be done; to be on the coins itself was meaningless, so it had to be done on Klal Yisroel through the coins. This was such a difficult, deep avodah, that it had to be done with Moshe Rabeinu, Aharon and the Nissiim. With this we can understand the criticism of David HaMelech that perhaps he put too much of an emphasis on Klal Yisroel.

Chag Savuos is the Rosh HaShanah for matan Torah, which means we should make ourselves worthy of being the recipients of the bracha of Torah for the whole year on Shavuos.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and a significant Chag Shavuos.

Sefiras HaOmer — Preparation for Matan Torah


Sefiras HaOmer — Preparation for Matan Torah (5772)

It is important to ממשיך the lessons of Pesach into the days of sefira, firstly when fulfilling the mitzvah of זכירת יציאת מצרים twice daily to quickly review the עשר מכות, and secondly, in the morning when reciting אז ישיר care should be taken that it should not be just another paragraph of שבח but it should be an attempt to recapture the feeling of awe that כלל ישראל felt when witnessing the greatest גילו מלכות שמים and expressing it in these very words.

In line for preparing for קבלת התורה we should do the סגולה of the Vilna Gaon for special סייעתא דשמיא that day in learning, that the very first thought that comes to mind upon waking up in the morning should be קבלת עול תורה or we should do so as soon as possible thereafter. The Chazon Ish attributed his success in learning to having special כוונה in five places in davening. Firstly in ברכת התורה, secondly in אהבה רבה in the words ותן בלבנו להבין ולהשכיל, next in the bracha of אתה חונן in שמונה עשרה, next inבריך שמיה in the words ותפתח לבאי באוריתא, and last inובא לציון in the words והוא יפתח לבנו בתורתו.

In accordance with the approaching of the יום טוב of קבלת התורה it is crucial that we have clarity in the importance of the role of לימוד התורה. עולם הזה, this world, is a place of darkness and even when there is at times a clarity of the truth, it is always clouded with shades of darkness and the true value of Torah is not appreciated. However, living in the present time, when there is an awesome darkness in the world, surely the truth is hidden. We must understand that in the entire universe including the massive milky-way there is no act that a person can do in this world that is more important than learning Torah. This includes the great scientists, professors, surgeons, astronauts, or great businessmen with their astronomical wealth. Nothing compares with bending over the גמרא and saying אמר אביי. Despite our great idealism and heroic efforts to persistently carry on our learning, the degradation of Torah that surrounds us takes its toll. It is therefore so important for our קבלת התורה to establish for ourselves a clear picture of the true values. A common example of the זלזול is that at times there is need to consult with a professor on a medical issue and there we find the בן תורה humbled before the great professor with his gray temples and pride. In the world of truth the בן תורה should be seated behind the desk and the great professor should be humbled before the בן תורה. Each בן תורה should have his own car and chauffeur to ride him around and all the great honor that is placed upon the dignitaries of the world should be showered upon him, which will be realized at the time of ביאת המשיח. In the meantime in honor of קבלת התורה the עובדה למעשה is that we should spend a few moments contemplating these thoughts and visualize the true greatness a בן תורה deserves –ויגבה לבו וכו’, and learning from a ספר that sheds light on the חשיבות of Torah such as נפש החיים שער ד’.

Parshas Bechukosai


Parshas Bechukosai (5772)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

26:3 Im b’chukosai taylaychu–shetiyiyu amailim batorah. Klal Yisroel is back to its roots. The only fulfillment of Judaism is the consistent fulfillment of the Torah. It is therefore the words are so relevant- shetihiyu amailim baTorah…coming back to the roots of the real kiyum haTorah is amailus baTorah, intensive, devoted, committed limud haTorah.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and good Chodesh.

Parshas Behar (5772)


Parshas Behar (5772)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The commandment of Shmitta in our parsha demonstrates absolute belief and confidence in Hashem as the Provider. The greatest area which is effected by shmitta is the production of wheat which is the main pillar and provider of sustenance. This is surely connected to the lechem hapanim in the bais and mikdash, expressing our belief and gratitude to Hashem. |This is likewise responsible that a good portion of the malachos of Shabbos are centered around the growth and production of bread. This is all crystalized in the bracha “hamotzi lechem min haraetz”. Hashem actually presents to us the miraculous gift of bread.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Acharei – Kedoshim (5772)


Parshas Acharei-Kedoshim (5772)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

(17:11) The pasuk explains that the Torah forbids us to indulge in drinking blood — ki nefesh habosor b’dam. The essence of the life of the animal is in the blood; life, so awesome. How can we relate to this as a beverage? And the pasuk concludes that you can use it only as a sacrifice of life itself.

We should all be zocheh to make use of our lives for the ultimate purpose for which we were put in this world. Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Shmini, Tazria – Metzora (5772)


Parshas Shmini,Tazria – Metzora (5772)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Metzora (14:34) Rashi explains that the real function of the negas habayis was to reveal treasures that the Canaanim hid in the walls. Amazing, that davka during the 40 years of wandering in the desert this phenomenon of the hiding of the gold took place.

The avoda and the mesiras nefesh of Klal Yisroel was actually creating and causing what was necessary for the consequence of the Emorim placing the gold. We are always creating wonderful consequences with our avoda which we should be zocheh to see.


(11:2) The lesson that Chazal that Rashi quotes of the physical damage that maacholos asuros cause is a very real secret that our Chazal have. The manifestation of this is the effect that it has on our mental capacities and attitudes. This should be for us a soruce of tremendous inspiration to be wary and careful to refrain from any type of maacholos asuros.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Shvii Shel Pesach (5772)


Shvii Shel Pesach (5772)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

We are about to usher in Shvii Shel Pesach. The whole year we draw from our reservoir of Emunah to inspire ourselves to be committed for the fulfillment of the ratzon HaShem. On Pesach, we receive min HaShomayim the hashpaos of this emuna, which we receive through our connecting to yetzias mitzrayim. The greatest gilui of the malchus Hashem was at Krias yam Suf, the shvii of Pesach. Le’ts make ourselves recipients of this emuna by connecting to the many miracles and lessons of Krias Yam Suf.

Have a meaningful and inspiring Yom Tov and gut Shabbos.

Pesach Mesiba

To All My dear Friends and Relatives:

You are all invited to a Pesach Mesiba in our home, Panim Meirot 3, Wed. nite, Chol HaMoed, ohr l’chuf Nissan, at 8:00 PM. Looking forwarding to an evening of simcha and chizuk together. Best wishes for a meaningful and freilichen Pesach..

Chag Kasher V’Sameach.

Mordechai Dolinsky

Parshas Tzav – Shabbos HaGadol (5772)


Parshas Tzav-Shabbos HaGadol (5772)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

In our parshas we have the elaborate dedication of the Mishkan. This can be appreciated considering that the Mishkan had the awesome mechanism to deliver the sacrifices of Klal Yisroel to Hashem.

Appreciating this even more deeply, the korbanos really signified the Klal Yisroel actually sacrificing themselves, their living bodies, to Hashem. How awesome. Such a mechanism and responsibility.

Shabbos HaGadol — On Shabbos we are mekabel strength and hashpaah for the following week. This week, lail Pesach, we receive the greatest gift of the revelation of Hashem for the whole year; indeed–Shabbos HaGadol. Let’s connect to Hashem and yetzias Mitzrayim and make ourselves a kli for this precious gift.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.